And it’s amazing that this certain lighthouse still stand even to this day! The most noteworthy feature about the lighthouse is that even now, over 200 years later, its construction is as sturdy as it was when it was built. I used to read a lot and I was always in the workshop painting or making wee models and toys for my boys. His lighthouse was the first tower in the world to have been fully exposed to the open sea. His greatest achievement was the construction of the Bell Rock Lighthouse in 1810, one of the most impressive feats of engineering of the age. The tip of bell rock only broke the waves for 4 … This Bell Rock lighthouse was built in a rock, a very dangerous rock according to people who came across it. The man behind this rock, Robert Stevenson, built this rock between 1807 and 1810. Its construction wasn’t finished for three years, but once it was standing, the Bell Rock Lighthouse began saving lives of fishermen and sailors in the area (estimated at six ships per winter season). 2009-07-07 09:54:17 2009-07-07 09:54:17. “Bell Rock was the first lighthouse to have a TV but I didn’t watch it much. Why was Bell Rock Lighthouse built? In his account of the Bell Rock Lighthouse, Robert Stevenson, Engineer to the Northern Lighthouse Board, stated, “There is a tradition that an Abbot of Aberbrothock directed a bell to be erected on the Rock, so connected with a floating apparatus, that the winds and sea acted upon it, and tolled the bell, thus giving warning to the mariner of his approaching danger. A sea-washed lighthouse is built out at sea, often on a rock or reef.
The structure was designed and built by Robert Stevenson on the Bell Rock in the North Sea. This rock was actually an underwater reef, invisible from the surface of the water until the Bell Rock Lighthouse was built upon it in 1807. The lighthouse measures 35 metres in length and at present is regarded to be amongst the oldest operating lighthouses across the world. Engineer John Rennie is also credited with parts of its design. No one had ever built a lighthouse where so much of it was going to be submerged. Top Answer.
This structure was based upon the design of the earlier Eddystone Lighthouse by John Smeaton , but with several improved features, such as the incorporation of rotating lights, alternating between red and white. It had taken Robert Stevenson and his men four years to complete what became Scotland’s most famous lighthouse. Wiki User. One of the major engineering feats of the early 19th Century the Bell Rock Lighthouse was designed by noted lighthouse engineer Robert Stevenson (1772 – 1850) and came into service in 1811. Why, therefore, should you consider going out and buying "Bell Rock Lighthouse: An Illustrated History" by Michael A. W. Strachan? Title: How was the bell rock lighthouse built, Author: University of Cumbria, Name: How was the bell rock lighthouse built, Length: 16 pages, Page: 15, Published: 2016-12-02 Issuu company logo Issuu It has obviously been very well researched; it is well written in an accessible style; and there is (as you might expect from an "illustrated history") a nice balance of text and images. The simple answer is because this really is a very good book. The Northern Lighthouse Board appointed John Rennie and his young assistant Robert Stevenson in charge of building a lighthouse on top of the rock. The Bell Rock Lighthouse, off the east coast of Scotland near Arbroath, is the world’s oldest sea-washed lighthouse. Formerly also called the Inch Cape, the reef came to be known as the Bell Rock when an Abbot of Arbroath set up a bell here to warn sailors of the danger. On 1 February 1811, The Bell Rock Lighthouse lanterns were lit for the first time. Stevenson's challenge. Nearly 200 years after it was first built, the Bell Rock Lighthouse still stands - proudly flashing its warning light.
The first lighthouse built there was an octagonal wooden structure, anchored by 12 iron stanchions secured in the rock, and was built by Henry Winstanley from 1696 to 1698.