why has my comment disappeared on facebook

why has my comment disappeared on facebook

Overnight they can go from very negative to highly positive. It is based on the Facebook PAGE settings. Is organised religion in the USA responsible for this ….. this is SERIOUSLY damaging Facebook’s reputation Worldwide! We offer social media training, customized social media set up, social media strategy and business coaching sessions, as well as commercial or event photography services and web design...everything to help you create an irresistible online presence! They were all quite different, I know I’ve had a brief all-caps comment greyed out in the past. 2942 users have said thank you to us this month. Page administrators have some good reasons to delete comments, such as if comments are overly hostile, contain offensive content or are completely off topic. Be sure to post another comment if you get it resolved, and how you fixed it. A Deleted Page. What are the settings you’ve ticked off in your Manage Permissions menu in the admin section of your Fan Page. Many  social media managers and internet marketing influencers had not yet experienced this “irrelevant or inappropriate comment” issue. I’ve never posted spam before. But some did, and left comments on that Facebook post I’d created. My Facebook Account Disappeared. I have worked on my page for 8 months. From the blog post  “Facebook Clarifies That They Don’t Censor Comments” at AccuraCast News: Apparently it’s not so rare anymore, so it would appear that Facebook needs to take a look at what they changed in their “classifier” recently to cause an excessive amount of messages and comments to be triggered as spam. I was told to open it new and I gave the same email - Answered by a verified Email technician. Here is a contact directory for Facebook – see if you can find a few links that will help you get in touch with the right person so you can find out why you have been banned for spamming. Today, my Facebook News Feed on desktop has no ads. Did you know that you might be missing some comments from your Facebook Page? You are definitely not the only person Mike – as you can see from my blog posts, it has affected me on Facebook as well. (That is possible because I posted the same several times on different posts of the page because they made the same mistake several times) but how can I get this turned off? Actually Matt, there is – it’s in your Facebook Page admin settings. I commented on my Friend's post but now I can't see it! I’m using the app, and everytime I post something as a comment it fades, and as I never since have likes on them or reactions I think they Really blocked. Is there a set of guidelines available so we as social media managers can review it and share this info with our clients and colleagues? Facebook comments can disappear for one of two reasons: the person who posted the comment on a post deleted it or the person who owns the original post deleted the comment because they didn't like it. Sometimes, the Facebook app has bugs that might create a problem with the functioning of the app. Facebook’s “irrelevant or inappropriate” pop-up. I can see my posts on other people pages in my own activity log but they don’t show up on their pages. Exceedingly helpful for me. Chances are that someone marked one (or probably more than one) of your posts as Spam when you posted on their wall, and then you are on ‘the Facebook Police’ radar. That’s terrible Jennifer. The best thing to do is contact Facebook via their feedback form, or you can see what you can find in this Facebook Directory. He got quite the buzz going on G+ and on FB about it!” In fact, I’d even seen the headline myself and read the article. At the bottom of all Yahoo News there used to be a Comments section where people commented on the news item and I myself could comment. You discussed how to resolve the issue for the page admin, but what I’m concerned about is why my post are being marked as spam in the first place, and I’m not getting any popup boxed or notifications telling me anything. I wasn't actually spamming the group, I was sending the links probably every 10 seconds and I … Hence, the notifications getting disappeared could be a bug. For example if you normally use Internet Explorer to login to facebook try to login using Firefox or Google Chrome instead. Any time you observe this happening - I recommend you check Down Detector - Facebook rarely goes completely down - but it does often experience glitches. It’s a good idea, but the algorithm Facebook is using to decide if a post is spam appears to be a bit overactive lately, causing some users to feel that Facebook is censoring their comments by marking them as spam, hiding the comment, and even showing a pop-up meant to discourage users from posting. Their algorithm obviously needs tweaking for sure. I deleted my cookies and history, which usually cause interference in some programs, but that didn't help. Posts on my wall are randomly disappearing. Facebook should add an “Allow comments only after approval” option. As a social media marketing strategist, I don’t just randomly post on Facebook Fan Pages or personal profiles – that’s spamming, and against all Facebook etiquette – but I DO make a lot of comments…which is the whole point of the “talking about” stat and of Facebook’s Edgerank. ... My GIF option has disappeared from my FB … It was a completely relevant and non-profane or rude comment…I don’t think this is “rare”. A car passes by Facebook's corporate headquarters location in Menlo Park, California, on March 21, 2018 ... only to find that it has disappeared after it has been posted. . I had that happen a couple times for your fb linking to your blog (thought it was just something glitchy with my computer)…. If the game has disappeared from your Facebook shortcuts or Settings, then it's an issue on Facebook and you will need to contact them directly for help. Add comment. Replace the link to the GIF’s page with the address that you’ve just copied. I have issues with comments magically disappearing on websites that use Facebook Social like this one. What's happened? However, a week ago I started noticing that on occasion a popup box would appear when I posted on someone’s personal profile or Facebook Page. I have done the activity log . One thing I noticed in your next post – that I know affects the spam filter is use of characters. Try not to use …. I have been suspended by facebook for 15 days…for posting ‘spam’ which I did not do. I know it’s frustrating. It’s definitely a frustrating problem. If someone simply disagrees with your position on a political post, though, you may find yourself angering followers because they feel they don't have a right to share their opinions with you as you shared yours with them, and you could lose followers as a result. Notification of comments marked as spam. Do such pages edit out comments to appear more “pro-” than “con-” on certain topics? I have an old female school mate on there, yesterday I saw her on my friends list, I thought I'd message her (to ask how she is) and 2 hours later, she'd vanished, then 30 minutes after that - her pic returned again. Answer 2 / 5. Your turn. Here’s the thing: I’ve ticked the Posting Ability box to allow everyone to post comments, photos and videos on my Fan Page – remember, the whole point of social media is to be social and create an opportunity for engagement. The screenshots documenting this recent series of events are at http://www.facebookcensorship.com It really will take a class action lawsuit to get them cleaned up. Go back to Facebook and open your comment in the Edit mode. OFten, the Fan Pages that are marked as Spam have just been posting randomly on other people’s walls and asking them to “like” their page, or leaving a link to “check out this product/service”. Facebook has been acting pretty weird since the past 30 mins and some pages were just showing up blank and the display pictures weren't showing up either, but they appear to be working on fixing it since those problems are fixed now. Pages can have multiple administrators, too, and administrators can disagree with one another. There is clearly an option to have them “hidden from page” – yet some of people’s comments have in fact been hidden. But what if there was a box that you could tick to allow all comments, or set comments for approval? I would suggest there is a 3rd option, to the effect of “allow comments on page only after approval”. The answer is almost certainly that the original poster has made a change that adversely affected your comment. A few words of thanks would be greatly appreciated. Missing comments – check for “not spam”. This could already be happening to you on Facebook. I am curious about public posts on news outlets’ pages. Is there a way to see if I’ve had my comments reported, like some Facebook Police secret file? So since January 2012 .. Another I said “penis”. The "like" was "transferred" to … Thank you. Facebook Help Center: As the Administrator, Can You Delete Negative Comments That People May Write on Your Page? Along with the above modification, I would suggest that Facebook needs to come up with some sort of notification system to at least let us know that there are comments awaiting approval, like YouTube and WordPress does. From a business perspective, it may make sense to delete comments for many reasons. they say if after suspension, I continue to do whatever it is I did…they will end my page.. how do I stop doing something if I don’t know what it is? You can can Google it and there are a lot of posts about it. The author of a post may delete a comment of theirs on a post for many reasons, such as if she realizes the comment was inappropriate or off-topic, or doesn't want others to comment on the content of the comment in question. Why has my Facebook Wall completely disappeared? It doesn’t matter what comments contain. Hopefully Facebook fixes their spam algorithm soon. The problem may lie on Facebook, no matter your device is iPhone X, iPhone 8/8 Plus, Samsung or Mac. In fact, Mari Smith herself commented in the thread, stating that “Robert Scoble recently had his [Facebook] comment censored – it wouldn’t post at all!!! I’m getting pretty annoyed and I’m supposing no one but my friends can see them? I've been working in technology for over 20 years in a wide range of tech jobs from Tech Support to Software Testing. oh…and I have been getting lots of… posts appearing on my page..i unmark them and go on?. However, there are many users who are unable to get access to their avatars on Facebook. 73. Now that there is much debate on what actually triggers the Facebook Spam-bots, I wonder: IMPORTANT: Check Your Posts for Missing Comments (Not Spam). Disappeared Comments and likes: Very simple this one. Follow me on Twitter, or visit my personal blog. I’d like to know, but that opens a whole new can of worms, like people taking retaliative action when they find out someone reported them as spam. How to Comment on a Reblogged Post on Tumblr. Bright Spark Media is located in Kelowna, BC. Fix #4. Have you received the dreaded “irrelevant and inappropriate” comment popup? - You entered the wrong link on the app setting. One was very long but no caps or excessive punctuation. I’ve had about 5 of my comments to public pages greyed out so far THIS MONTH. Glad to help! I have a group on Facebook and I was advertising it by sending links to other groups who had hundreds of members joining every second. Unfortunately I think you’re correct that it’s not rare. I’ve never heard of anything like that happening before (or maybe people just don’t even know WHY they are marked as spam). In my case, I was posting on the wall of someone famous (ie has lots of Facebook friends and fans of her business Page on Facebook), and since I was only “subscribed” and not a “friend”, it flagged me as Spam. It seriously burns my retinas every time I open the app. I used to get a “See translation” link when browsing Facebook posts of my Japanese friends, but at some point that went away. Recently posted this to Friends+Family with the enclosed comment – it got pulled from the F+F communal Wall. I hope this comment is shown though…. Russell has worked in tech publishing since 1999, first as a copy editor and later as project editor, development editor and author. do you know any way to actually contact them? Unfortunately, Facebook is notorious for poor customer service. My Facebook has disappeared from my computer but not my I=phone. The problem is not at the USER’s end. You would think this box appeared because I’d used profanity, a lot of exclamation marks, lots of capital letters – something sensible that would trigger this popup to appear, similar to the spam filter in your email. Facebook comments can disappear for one of two reasons: the person who posted the comment on a post deleted it or the person who owns the original post deleted the comment because they didn't like it. Lol it's happening to me too. 8-20-2012 The scum running Facebook have really hit a new low, even for them, in both maliciousness and incompetence. I’ve also heard that using characters or a lot of punctuation sets it off too (!?!?!). Missing comments – check for “not spam”, Bright Spark Media – social media, video marketing, blogging, email marketing – training and setup for coaches, consultants and business owners, How to check your Spam folder in Facebook for Missing Posts and Comments, left comments on that Facebook post I’d created, Robert Scoble recently had his [Facebook] comment censored, Facebook Clarifies That They Don’t Censor Comments, “Comments Denied” in The Daily Mail in the UK, http://socialmediamarketingkelowna.com/missing-facebook-page-comments-how-to-check-your-spam-folder, 5 Social Media Tips for Farmers Markets and Artisans (plus 2 mobile tips you can’t miss) – V2 with special offer prices options, Facebook Videos: Upload videos directly to Facebook and Optimize Them in 5 Easy Steps (video tutorial), Featured Images not Displaying on Facebook Links (Quick and Easy Fix), What is Periscope – Getting Started with Livestream Video, Periscope App – Live Video From Your Mobile Phone (First Impressions). If you have add your Facebook into the popup setting but the Like button does not show, it might be one of these reasons: - Your Facebook page has been set with restrictions and it is not a public page. When you finish tweaking your comment, hit Enter to post it again. A bit of conjecture, but if your second friend "liked" your posts because they saw them on your first friend's timeline, that might explain why they disappeared when the first friend deactivated their account and re-appeared when it was re-activated. I started this site as a technical guide for myself and it has grown into what I hope is a useful reference for all. One reason why a Facebook page may suddenly disappear is because it was permanently deleted. Sent many messages to Facebook . Pages that do NOT ‘Allow visitors to the Page to publish Posts’, also prohibit … Because today I will explain all such issues related to the Facebook … See the conversation for yourself below. I only found out by accident, when I noticed a peculiar row of 3 dots at the top of the thread, just below the Like – Comment – Share links. It could simply be added to the existing notifications flag (in the Facebook header bar). Personally, I don’t think it is through maliciousness or incompetence. and also…Thank you for keeping me abreast of the mirade of ongoing changes happening in social media. How Can I Get It Back? His most recent books are "Windows 8 Kickstart" and "OneNote 2013 For Dummies. UPDATE, AUGUST 24, 2018: Facebook is in the process of changing from “reviews” to “recommendations,” so numbers and other reporting may be off. *** RELATED POST: How to check your Spam folder in Facebook for Missing Posts and Comments ***. Facebook has attempted to help Page owners eliminate spam by filtering suspicious comments. My friend is having this problem and we can’t get it stopped and becuase i’m on my mobile i can’t mark their comments as non spam untill i get home after work still trying to work out how to change this. Nope. took Screenshots of my … What were you posting when it happened? On the contrary, I would think their intention is to help users by trying to filter out spam, just like in emails. Report. Log out of facebook then use a different device to log in to facebook. http://www.marismith.com/how-contact-facebook-directory-of-forms/. If one administrator comments on a post -- for example, commenting after a follower has commented -- and another administrator comes along later, the second admin may delete the comment of the first. I had to start typing each comment by hand for it to work to much time wasted doing it that way. There is you say? or better yet, it could be showcased in the Admin Panel like Messages are, and it could also be added as a new option in drop-down menu in the Highlights menu on your Timeline (which currently has “highlighted”, “posts by Page”, “posts by others”.). Facebook Help Center: How Do I Delete or Edit a Comment I Posted? What? 5 You disabled notifications You can also check for spam in the Admin section of your Facebook Page. What you can do is to update Facebook, or report the issue to Facebook and wait. From what I’ve heard from other people trying to reach them, Facebook is notoriously poor at customer service. I could see it on my personal wall-Very Big Brother Facebook censoring this from my F+F. Even though you no longer have the game in your settings or profile, you can always search for the game in the Facebook search field or … This is a test. Consider potential ethical matters related to deleting comments, though, before doing so. it still does not work. The problem is, even if you check the notifications on your Facebook Fan Page, you might not even realize that some comments are invisible, or hidden from the post thread. People have to click “allow” or “spam” to either go to my page or to report me! Especially if you are a public figure, musician, actor, or simply any Fan Page with a lot of fans or Facebook personal profile with a lot of friends and subscribers. Not only was there no profanity, I’d even used several of the words from the original post (shopping, sunny), and from other people’s comments (Kelowna) – which in my view should make it quite relevant, even to a robot’s limited perception. The feature makes interaction between the poster and those following the poster easy and fun, and from a business perspective comments on a Facebook page's posts are evidence of a lively, interactive relationship between the page and its followers. All I see is a blank section. The Trending bar has disappeared, along with some egregiously annoying people. Yes, there are always changes happening in social media. Deleted Original Post:Obviously if the Post is deleted then so are any comments, likes etc.… We help small businesses, entrepreneurs and service professionals in the Okanagan Valley and globally online. Luckily, through the effort of hundreds (yes hundreds) of people, Facebook was able to recover and restore the page, which is now back up and running. Thanks for this post. If you're posting on behalf of a page that touts your Windows book and a Mac user decides to take the opportunity to rant about how superior Macs are to Windows and that your book is, in fact, useless, you might find it more acceptable to just delete the comment than to respond to it and risk further commentary devolving into a Mac versus Windows flame war. . Why is My Facebook account locked or disabled – and how to recover an account?If your Facebook Account is Disable or Blocked and you want to recover your Facebook account, then you are in the right place. Facebook has inserted a new feature in its Timeline interface which shows only the most popular of the posts that you made in the past months. Do you know how to find the missing comments that Facebook has marked as spam? The other thing to keep in mind is that Facebook is a free platform (which costs money to run in terms of programming, servers, etc) – people can choose whether or not they want to use it. I’m sorry to hear about your difficulties with Facebook. I have not deleted anything or left my facebook up or anything for that matter. We use cookies to give you the best possible experience on our website. None of them have had links or pictures. I just want to know what could have happened to them.. (If you’ve attended one of my workshops, you’ve heard me harp on this many times . Luckily, she is a social media expert herself, and helped bring attention to the ongoing issue, and added me as a friend. Probably explains the origin of 99% of the religions of the world. Facebook App Has A Problem. IF the above link did not help, there is probably nothing anyone can do! It's easy to comment in response to another commenter and then regret it moments later; sometimes the author of a comment may simply decide against wanting the comment to be public for others to read and just delete it. 2. Check out the step-by-step guide here: I have no posts. AND I’ve set the default visibility of “posts by others” to “allowed on page”. Case 1: Your Facebook page has been set with restrictions and it is not a public page. Facebook allows people to comment on posts to profile pages or business pages as long as comments are enabled on the post. Is Facebook censoring your posts? http://socialmediamarketingkelowna.com/missing-facebook-page-comments-how-to-check-your-spam-folder. Thank you. I’d suggest contacting Facebook, but I also don’t know anyone who has ever gotten in touch with them, except maybe if they have a big Facebook ads budget. or !!!! They are in the process of trying to find out what exactly in the controversial comment caused the spam blocker to get triggered. If you created the page personally, make sure no … However, Mari Smith has provided an excellent directory of 100+ forms and contact links, so hopefully that will help you get in touch with the appropriate person at Facebook to resolve your issue: *** Please share this post – it’s important that people know they may have hidden comments on their Facebook Page ***. James H. Russell is an author and tech journalist. I was a Top Fan of a page but my Badge disappeared today. (I posted this in a few places on Facebook, wondering if any other social media trainers or industry experts had noticed this problem.). All the others on the page still have their Badges, so I must have done something to turn it off. I blogged about my opinions of Mixbooks shipping policies and put it in my facebook status with a link back to the post and now every time someone clicks on the link a warning comes up that my site might contain spam! I just got marked as spam too. It’s happened to me, and many others, with relevant content with no profanity. Therefore, while you’ll see all your recent posts on your Timeline –only most popular posts from previous months find place on Timeline. When I go to my … Comments allow people to agree with, disagree with, add information to the topic or even just say whatever is on their minds at the moment. The translation option has disappeared from posts. Fix #5 I read an interesting comment to the article “Comments Denied” in The Daily Mail in the UK, and it made me think about what I might suggest to Facebook in terms of personalizing my experience, and that of my fans and followers. I hadn’t noticed anything but your reminder to check for missing content in the blog post is a good one… Thanks for that. Recently, Facebook rolled out an update where they launched a feature for users to create a mini version of themselves, known as Facebook avatars. On November 8 th, Social Media Examiner’s Facebook Page — with over 380,000 fans — disappeared.. For 36 hours, no one could quite figure what had happened to it or why it seemed to vanish into thin air. I’m curious to know how much of a “rare situation” this is: I receive a lot of questions about how to contact Facebook directly to resolve issues with being banned from Facebook, spamming, locked out accounts, etc. Did you find any hidden messages where people had responded to a thread on your Facebook Page? 1)Sometimes the Facebook server has a temporary glitch that Facebook service is down. My name is Mitch Bartlett. For more information about this change, I highly recommend Aaron Weiche’s explainer article on GetFiveStars.com.. Facebook has clarified that the comment was blocked due to some features in their algorithm, which is used to block spammers. Blocked Profile Mar 15, 2019 at 08:38 AM. Now that is missing. Again, it’s on the settings for your Fan Page in the Manage Permissions menu: 1. . *** RELATED POST: How to check your Spam folder in Facebook for Missing Posts and Comments ***. Make changes to your text and try again If it disappears when there is only photo, it means the content or format of the photo breaks a … Did someone report one of my comments as spam, and now I’m on a “watch list”? https://youtu.be/e6oqjaDeTL0 When deciding whether to delete someone's comment -- or even your own comment, especially after others have seen and reacted to it -- consider what's good for the overall profile or page. Just wrote a 1 star review because of it. http://www.marismith.com/how-contact-facebook-directory-of-forms/. Home → Blog → Is Facebook censoring your posts? For example, if you normally connect to facebook with your computer, try to log in to it using a smart phone, tablet or another computer. There can be many reasons why Facebook… I even got a Notice in my mail browser that someone replied to a comment I made but … Every since I switched to the Timeline my posts have disappeared. ", How to Highlight People's Names on Facebook, Posting Comments to Other People's Wall on Facebook. You have to manually check each post, and look for comments to mark as “not spam”! and I will click on "Allow on timeline" or "Feature" . I’m having the same issue here, whatever I post on others walls (where allowed) get marked as spam for no apparent reason. Your not alone - the 'friends list' on facebook is acting strange lately. If it disappears when there is only text, it means there is a link or something else that makes Facebook behave oddly. What Happened to My Post on Facebook if I Cannot Find It. or swearing S#@% – even a friend (a Facebook “friend” with whom I’ve exchanged messages, likes and comments on each other’s pages) had her comment hidden and the only noticeable thing was that she used 5 exclamation marks. But now they need to work on the comment button lol. Facebook has removed the blue Comment button from beside the comment box on its website. It wasn’t a big deal before I had it, but now that I am used to it I can’t use the app anymore. If this comment passes, it means that fakebook didn’t ban me from commenting everywhere using Facebook Social.

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