makucha the leopard the lion guard

makucha the leopard the lion guard

Together, the leopards and the Lion Guard venture out into the harmattan. Basée sur les longs métrages d'animation Le Roi lion et Le Roi lion 2 , elle se passe au milieu du second film, pendant l'enfance de Kiara ; la troisième saison fait quant à elle suite au même film.. Il saute en grognant mais est repoussé par un coup de sabot d'Ajabu. Alors que Thurston le supplie de ne pas le manger, Makucha grogne et le pousse avec sa patte pour se libérer, en répondant qu'il poursuivait un animal ayant un bien meilleur gout. Using her natural abilities as a snow leopard, she can make other animals believe she is truly a ghost, and she sees this as self-amusement or as a defense mechanism. He has large bushy eyebrows with his eyes being yellow with electric green irises. MakuchaMama Binturong, –Makucha to Chuluun, Ghost of the Mountain. Mapigano is the main antagonist of The Lion Guard episode "The Trouble With Galagos". Video Of Leopard Climbing Trees Swiftly Is Reminding People Of The Lion Guard Villain ‘Makucha’ Malika Sanon Updated: May 16, 2020, 15:27 IST . Vím, že byste byli asi radši, kdybych to dělal bez předlohy, jenže pro mě je to jednoduší. "Nobody knows the Back Lands like me. Il rugit fréquemment et grogne pour exprimer sa colère. His fur is a pale lemon color, and his rosettes are brown outlined with black. Compared to other leopards, Makucha is quite large, with wider shoulders, a more compact build, and squarer features. Makucha later appears with three other leopards and battles the Lion Guard when they enter his territory to get rid of a dam that is blocking the water hole for a herd … Il a des épais sourcils marron foncé, des longues moustaches noirs, des griffes noires et des dents blanches. Makucha répond violemment qu'il peut se battre à deux contre un, prêt à combattre Kion et Fuli, mais Bunga lui attrapa la queue pour le stopper. Makucha will follow the Lion Guard to the Tree of Life. Makucha's army is a group of animals bent on invading the Tree of Life. Ono le voit scruter les gazelles puis la Garde du Roi Lion vient lui faire face. Lorsqu'il se retrouve confronté aux autres, il est féroce et prêt à se battre mais se montre aussi d'une arrogance désinvolte. Makucha est un mâle léopard qui vit sur les Terres Reculées. c'est un prédateur impitoyable qui ne fléchit pas avant d'avoir réussit à capturer sa proie. Makucha's Leap - A group of leopards who live in the Backlands. Makucha's Coalition With Chuluun & Ora For Revenge (NEW 2019) Animation HD. Emportez vos fandoms favoris partout avec vous. This is also the only one who's fate is unknown. Sep 1, 2019 - Here is a shot of Makucha from The Lion Guard. A pounce, a gulp and then another gulp before Kion could fully wake up, for once the lion was awake the dinner would turn into more of a struggle. Fahari fights Bunga and Fuli. They are the main antagonists of Season 3. Chuluun has been described as a cunning snow leopard. Character Information Makucha is male leopard and a predator. Her strength is unmatched … Makucha est un léopard sauvage, originaire d'une terre lointaine. He has four spots on each side of his face and seven on top of his head. ses oreilles sont roses et noirs. Pendant qu'ils courent, Ajabu le supplie de le laisser tranquille, mais Makucha réponds qu'après l'avoir poursuivit aussi longtemps il n'allait pas abandonner. Si il sait qu'il n'a aucune chance, il se rendra. Il faut toujours se méfier des apparences, Ce à quoi Makucha répond que les okapis sont très rares et qu'il est donc logique de les poursuivre quand on en trouve. Leopards can steal other territories from their own kind and drive off the weaker leopard far from their original territory. The spots on his face and neck are smaller and solid colored. Makucha is a stocky, well-built leopard with incredible agility and physical strength. Half of his long tail is banded in white, and his underbelly and paws are white in color. They take shelter in a canyon, but a loose rock tumbles down toward Kion. Their goal is to get revenge on Lion Guard and eat every rare, exotic, weak, lame, or sick animal from the Tree of Life as the main antagonists of Season 3. Alors qu'il s'approchait encore d'Ajabu pour mettre fin à ses jours, il est stoppé par Thurston qui le heurte dans la panique. The army was originally founded by Makucha and led by both him and Mama Binturong. Tandis que Thurston et les autres zèbres paniquent et fuient, Ajabu dit avec surprise qu'il en pensait pas qu'il le suivrait jusqu'ici. "Name's Makucha, lion. When the Lion Guard convince her to strike back, Makucha is kicked into the pile of rocks blocking the water unleashing it, leaving their leader to retreat. His inner ears are light pink, rimmed with black and a single rosette on the back of each. The Lion Guard Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community. Alors qu'il poursuit Ajabu, il passe devant la Garde du Roi Lion. He serves as the main antagonist of the third and final season of The Lion Guard. He has cream fur with black and brown spots. Inconnue. Seeking revenge, she took Makucha up on his offer to defeat the Guard. You want me to go, you're gonna have to make me." You want me to go, you're gonna have to make me. 1 Appearance 2 Personality 3 History 3.1 Backstory 3.2 The Journey of Two Siblings 4 Family 5 Gallery 6 Trivia Makucha is a stocky, well-built leopard with incredible agility and physical strength. His fur is a pale lemon color, and his rosettes are brown outlined with black. 1 History 1.1 Legends of the Lion Guard: Protectors of the Pride Lands 1.1.1 Kion and Nguruma's Birthday 1.2 Legends of the Lion Guard: The Dark Prophecy 2 Membership 3 Unnamed Members Makucha's Leap joins forces with Kiburi's Float to crash Kion and Nguruma's birthday … By her admission, she doesn't respect the Circle of Life and does whatever she wants, including scaring and harassing other animals for her entertainment. Cependant, alors qu'il charge, Beshte arrive et le soulève avec son museau pour le jeter au loin. He is adept in agility, speed, and strength, being able to outpace the Lion Guard, leap wide distances such as across Big Ravine, and hold his own in fights against larger opponents. Makucha's Army, also known as the Army of Predators is an army of evil animals led by Makucha and Mama Binturong. He locates the rest of the team at Mama Binturong's orders. Clan de Makucha Animals Alignement Makucha wasn’t dim, Kion was definitely strong. Il s'enfuit alors et est immédiatement poursuivit par la Garde, mais il parvint à les semer en sautant par dessus un grand ravin. Ils exigent qu'il quitte la Terre des Lions, mais Makucha répond qu'ils devront le vaincre pour ça. He once was a member of Makucha's leap. He says for them to leave, but there's nowhere else to go. Et la tienne est sur le point de s'arrêter net. Makucha tourne son corps pour se retrouver face à Bunga et commente en disant qu'il espère que son goût sera meilleur que son odeur. He joined after the Lion Guard used the Roar of the Elders to knock him and his bank into the water. He soon sees Anga and is surprised to see her. Fuli commente en disant qu'il n'agissait pas de manière si amicale et Makucha réponds que les léopards disent bonjour avec leurs crocs puis il roule des yeux en disant "Et alors ?, et Kion réponds qu'il est alors temps de dire au revoir. He was voiced by Jorge Diaz. Makucha's leap finds the Lion guard in a cave. Makucha merely claims that he had been trying to save himself. Il est confiant en ses capacité. The spots on his face and neck are smaller and solid-colored. Steve Blum Les okapis sont très rares. Watch the Official TV Promos from THE LION GUARD Season 3 an Disney animation series. Makucha, at one point, teamed up with three other leopards to take down the Lion Guard and split them up for defending their watering hole. Makucha shoves him out of the way, saving his life, much to the shock of Fahari and Jiona. Lion Guard Makucha VS Fuli The Wisdom of Kongwe HD Clip. I can find a safe path through the winds." It would have to be done quickly. Wikia La Garde du Roi Lion est une communauté de FANDOM appartenant à la catégorie Télévision. Triumph of the Roar Fahari helps Makucha's Army fight the Night Pride and the Lion Guard. -Makucha Makuchais a maleleopardthat resides in theBack Lands. The Lion Guard and Night Pride force Makucha's army to leave once again. Il est ensuite obligé de se coucher au sol pour éviter Ono qui plonge sur lui depuis les airs. Čau,dneska pro vás mám kreslení makuchy ze lví hlídky. [3] After hearing from Makini excitedly talking all about the Tree of Life and the rare animals, Makucha uses that info to sneakily follow the Lion Guard to the Tree of Life so that he, and later his two members, could feast on the rare animals. His sclerae are dark yellow, with his iris being green. Mauvais He is Chuluun's Mate. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Some galagos approach the Lion Guard, reporting a frightening leopard in their tree. Mama would act as a decoy calling for help on the other side of the Tree of Life which would distract the teams while Makucha's army. Anga spots the Night Pride (save Rani) approaching, with Kion quickly giving them instructions to fight the Army. She joined after a brief struggle where Bunga emerges victorious and takes on Mama Binturong himself. Makucha poursuit Ajabu sur une longue distance jusqu'à la Terre des Lions. Final Battle For The Tree Of Life Official TV Promos (NEW 2019) Animation HD . Makucha is a large and powerfully built leopard. The Lion Guard S1 E14-Makucha Makucha poursuit Ajabu sur une longue distance jusqu'à la Terre des Lions. Griffes Sauf mention contraire, le contenu de la communauté est disponible sous licence. 1 Biography 2 Gallery 3 Trivia 4 Navigation Mapigano is a large bulky leopard from an area of Africa called The Back Lands. Mâle Ils exigent qu'il quitte la Terre des Lions, mais Makucha répond qu'ils devront le vaincre pour ça. They soon find shelter, but Makucha's Leap follows them. However, his claws and teeth prove intimidating to the galagos, and it decided that he must leave. Il apparait dans l'épisode The Imaginary Okapi alors qu'il chasse Ajabu, le nouvel ami de Beshti, pour en faire son quatre heures. He gets defeated because Kion uses the Roar of the Elders on him and blasts him far far away from the Tree of Life. Jiona is a member of the army. Makucha semble beaucoup aimer le goût des okapi et s'il en croise un, il est capable de le poursuivre très loin pour l'attraper. They are led by Mama Binturong. Makucha's Leap is a group of leopards and snow leopards that live in the Pride Lands. Confiant et déterminé, rapide et fort, Makucha est sûr d'obtenir sa proie, mais c'était sans compter sur la Garde du Roi Lion qui se met en travers de son chemin. His leap did this, presumably from the Guard and zebras entering their territory. Malgré tout, il n'est pas si fou ou arrogant. Makucha's Leapis a group of leopards that live in theBack Lands. Makucha attempts to stop the Lion Guard from entering his territory in the Back Lands, but reluctantly let's them past after losing to them in a fight. Il se détourne puis s'en va loin, rentrant chez lui. But Makucha was smarter. After her defeat by Bunga, she grows resentful of the Lion Guard and joins Makuchain his quest for vengeance. He brings his friends to help him fight. Makucha leaned back on his hindlegs and squinted his eyes, calculating the right trajectory to capture this animal as only a leopard can. With the Lion Guard distracted, Makucha sneaks away to Dhahabu. As soon as they arrive at the passage to the Tree of Life, Makucha, Chuluun, and Ora begin to squabble over who's in charge. Later, she hatches a plan to have Makucha, Chuluun, and Ora infiltrate the Tree of Life at dawn when the Night Pride is tired and finishing their patrols. Makucha est un léopard costaud d'une incroyable agilité et d'une grande force physique. When he washed up on shore, he agreed to follow them in order to exact his revenge on the Guard. Lion Guard Fuli Vs Makucha Round 2 (or 3 or 4) The Wisdom of Kongwe HD Clip. Sexe He manages to take Makini's Bakora Staff and defeats Mama Binturong by passing gas and ruining her Tuliza stash. He is the leader of his ownleapand nowhis army. Their goal was to get revenge on Lion Guard and go to the Tree of Life to eat every rare, exotic, weak, injured, and sick animal inhabitants living there. Makucha asked Chuluun to join him on his quest and she agreed after being humiliated by the Lion Guard. They are led by Makucha. es so at daytime, Mama proposes attacking at sunset,  At sunset  the Army spots the Guard coming and move to fight them as Kion quickly realizes their battle strategy., This is the third group of different animal species. Makucha Il est le chef de son propre clan. After three attacks, however, Mama Binturong arrives to assume command. Il retrouve plus tard Ajabu pendant que celui-ci parle avec Thurston et s'approche discrètement. Makucha is a strongly built and powerful leopard. When … Makucha is a leopard and is in The Pride Lands hunting Ajabu. Peu de temps après il se rapproche encore doucement de Kion et Fuli mais en voyant Beshte foncer sur lui, il admet sa défaite et dit que même un okapi ne vaut pas la peine de se donner tant de mal. Sa fourrure est jaune pâle et ses taches sont marrons entourées de noir. La Garde du Roi lion (The Lion Guard) est une série télévisée d'animation américaine, produite par les studios Disney. Ses coussinets sont bruns-rouges. Makucha échappe à la Garde du Roi Lion. Fahari is a member of the army. Ses yeux sont verts sur fond jaune foncé. He complies with great reluctance. Affiliation Makucha is a stocky, well-built leopard with incredibly agility and physical strength. Léopard ―Makucha Makuchais an adult maleleopard whoresidesin Leopon Plains. They are led byMakucha. He wishes to get not only his revenge on the Lion Guard but also to reach the Tree of Life so that he can feast on all the tasty animals there. I really liked Makucha from TLG's episode "The Imaginary Okapi", being also the first official leopard in the Lion King franchise, if I am not mistaken. Son ventre et le bout de ses pattes sont blancs. Espèce Makucha sees the Lion Guard in his territory and they start to attack the guard. As both groups engage each other, a tired Beshte is bitten by Ora, leaving him paralyzed. Leader They are the main antagonists of Season 3. Il rebondit sur le sol puis se relève en grognant à Ajabu qu'il l'avait mis en colère. Makucha's Tree Of Life Official TV Promo Song (NEW 2019) Animation HD. Real leopards and lions are enemies; lions in the wild often steal from leopards or kill them to rid themselves of a rival competitor. The Guard goes to investigate, and finds Badili, who claims to be a friendly leopard. Binturong, Leopards, Snow Leopard, Komodo Dragons, Porcupines Makucha's Army, also known as the Army of Predators is an army of evil animals led by Makucha and Mama Binturong. Voix française After meeting Makucha, Chuluun and Ora, she declares herself as Chuluun and Ora's new leader for feasting on the rare animals at the Tree of life and as well as having her revenge on the Guard, particularly Bunga. During the fight, a dust storm comes and the guard starts to get blown away. Makucha's Army She joined after the Lion Guard knocked her off the Mountain. Makucha est un personnage très persistent. The first one was the Lion Guard, which lasted until the end of the series, and the second one was the disbanded. His sclerae are dark yellow, with his irises being green. After the rescue, the team moves on. Ono le voit scruter les gazelles puis la Garde du Roi Lion vient lui faire face. As Bunga flees the scene, Mama Binturong vows revenge. Signification du nom Makucha's Army is an army of vicious animals led by Makucha and Mama Binturong. Les taches sur son visage et son cou sont plus petites et entièrement noires. Their goal was to get revenge on Lion Guard and go to the Tree of Life to eat every rare, exotic, weak, injured, and sick animal inhabitants living there. Smun is the enforcer of the army. Encore une fois il grogne après avoir rebondit, puis il se relève et demande à la Garde pourquoi ils ne se mêlent pas de leurs affaires et dit être simplement venu dire bonjour à un ami. He once was a member of Makucha's leap. After each leopard is hit once, they leave the battle to Makucha, who blackmails the Lion Guard by using Dhahabu. Sa longue queue est zébré noir et blanc. Quand on en trouve un, on suit sa piste. Voix originale

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