how does symmetric encryption work

how does symmetric encryption work

For example, symmetric encryption is useful for encrypting banking-related data as well as data storage. This is known as a man-in-the-middle attack (MitM). Historically, symmetric encryption is paired with either RSA or Diffie-Hellman asymmetric algorithms (i.e., key exchange protocols) for the key exchange/generation process. A sender attaches his private key to the message as a digital signature and... 3. Today, the widely used algorithm is AES. Yes, there are variables exchanged, but you’re still actually creating the key based on those exchanges. This is where asymmetric encryption is used to facilitate a key exchange between two parties, and then identical symmetric session keys are what’s used to actually process the encryption for the session. technique allows the application of only one key for both encryption and decryption of a message that is being shared through a communication channel The receiver of this message uses the selected decryption key to convert this message back to a readable form. To do data encryption two types of algorithms are important. The algorithm is the set of rules that determine how the encryption works. The standard encryption blocks include 128-bit, 192-bit, and 256-bit keys. SHA-256 signed encryption support SSL certificates. However, there have been other types of symmetric ciphers that have existed throughout history, including everything from the Vigenère Cipher — which dates back to the 1500s — to the modern AES algorithm (more on that later). Copyright © 2021 The SSL Store™. AES has now entirely replaced DES worldwide as the default workhorse symmetric encryption standard. However, the reality is completely the opposite. The way that symmetric encryption works is by encrypting and decrypting data through the use of identical keys. A message could only be read by someone who had a stick … There’s also another type of encryption that’s close in name but is different in terms of what it does: asymmetric encryption. Public key cryptography can seem complex for the uninitiated; fortunately a writer named Panayotis Vryonis came up with an analogy that roughly goes as follows. Data at rest refers to the state of your data while it’s sitting on a server or a device. But for now, let’s talk about the history of symmetric encryption. After all, your internet connection gets bounced through potentially dozens of different touchpoints in its journey. It can do this using 128-bit, 192-bit, or 256-bit keys. She also serves as the SEO Content Marketer at The SSL Store. Visit With a basic shift cipher, you can encrypt and decrypt a message simply by shifting the message along the alphabet a set number of spaces. In an RSA key exchange, public key encryption facilitates the exchange of a pre-master secret and a randomly generate number from the client that, together, generate a shared session key. Needless to say, breaking down what symmetric key cryptography is and how symmetric encryption works is a lot to take in. A brief description is given below: DES is a kind of block algorithm that encrypts the data in chunks. And it’s not so much a key “exchange” as it is a key generation process. However, with time, it has become outdated and used less frequently now. In short, AES is a symmetric type of encryption, as it uses the same key to both encrypt and decrypt data. How does public key encryption work? How do you share a secret key with each other without the risk of someone on the internet intercepting it in the middle? To check the identity of the information sender, and to verify his claims. Asymmetric key encryption helps in … To better understand how symmetric encryption works and how all of these components work together, let’s consider a basic type of symmetric encryption known as the Caesar cipher. It’s time to take a closer look at the symmetric encryption process. Like other types of encryptions, symmetric encryption also uses an identical key to encrypt or decrypt the information. Symmetric encryption, in comparison to asymmetric one, is an older method of GeoTrust SSL encryption. key generation) methods like RSA and Diffie-Hellman — come into play. Although you may not realize it, symmetric encryption is in use just about everywhere you look. But what do you do if you and your recipient have never met, and if you don’t already have those identical keys? In 700 B.C., the Spartans wrote important messages on leather, which was wrapped around sticks. For hashtag, as well as the random creation of numbers. Public-key encryption and symmetric-key encryption are two of the most fundamental cryptographic systems out there and they’re also the driving force behind the Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol. Until the first asymmetric ciphers appeared in the 1970s, it was the only cryptographic method. Excellent, well written and easy to understand. In this case, a cipher, also known as an algorithm, is a number or sequence of steps that you’d use to convert plain text information into unreadable ciphertext. The reason for the change to symmetric encryption is that it’s faster and less resource-intensive than asymmetric encryption when you’re encrypting massive quantities of data. protected. The SSL Store™ | 146 2nd St. N. #201, St. Petersburg, FL 33701 US | 727.388.4240 Let’s understand symmetrical encryption with an easy example. So, consider the example of a private ledger or a diary. Symmetric key encryption is a way for you to encrypt a message so that only you and your intended recipient can read it. For symmetric encryption to work, the two or more communicating parties must know what the key is; for it to remain secure, no third party should be able to guess or steal the key. Wondering what products or services you use that incorporate symmetric encryption into their platforms or tools? Your original message that you wish to encrypt (plaintext data). Here’s just a handful of such services: We already touched on this earlier. So, be sure to keep an eye out and check back for those upcoming articles on Hashed Out as well. Furthermore, since the numbers that are used in these calculations are massive, it would take way longer than any cybercriminal would have during a session to figure them out. For example, 'bananas are yummy.' Earlier, we touched on the fact that symmetric encryption algorithms aren’t the only algorithms out there that PKI depends upon. This message is known as the ciphertext, which is inaccessible to others. But the tricky part with symmetric encryption is that there’s an assumption that you and your recipient both already have identical copies of the key.  −  Only those who have the special key can decrypt it. The standard encryption blocks include 64-bit, 128, and 192-bit keys. a key and turn back to the receiver a duplicate of the key. Even, if an unknown person gets access to the message, he can’t read it. The most common application of Asymmetric Encryption is confidentiality. How does AES encryption work? This particular cipher is aptly known as the Caesar Cipher (more on that in a couple of minutes). Otherwise, if someone else knows the key, then they can decrypt your data and read it, which makes the entire encryption process pointless. Symmetric encryption is especially useful for small, closed networks. So, sending data (especially keys) across the internet isn’t a good idea, which means we need to look at an alternative method. A public key, which is shared among users, encrypts the data. Symmetric key encryption is a type of encryption in which the same cryptographic key is used for both encryption and decryption. Here, the sender and receiver use the same key to access or read the data. Ever heard of PCI DSS? For example, its use is common in card transactions. Symmetric key encryption is part of the public key infrastructure (PKI) ecosystem, which makes it possible to communicate securely across the insecure internet by converting plain text (readable) data into unrecognizable ciphertext. No one is aware of this key, except the sender or the receiver. Any outsider can’t access the information. This means that any Tom, Dick or Harry — any cybercriminal, government, or anyone else you don’t want reading your messages — could intercept the key en route and decrypt your messages with ease, and you’d be none the wiser. This is where asymmetric tactics — such as asymmetric key exchange (i.e. Data to be encrypted (or, as it's called, plaintext) 2. 24/7 Customer support via live chat and support ticket. Feel like you need a … But as with any technical process, there are other advantages and disadvantages of using symmetric key encryption, such as key distribution and management issues, and we’ll talk about those a little later. So, while you’re not sending it anywhere, it doesn’t mean that you want someone else to be able to read its contents should they manage to get their hands on it. A pseudo-random algorithm to turn readable data into a scrambled mess 3. These include compression, public-key encryption, symmetric encryption, digital signatures, and the web of trust. For example, if we shift the alphabet “A” four spaces to the right, it becomes E. Similarly, if we write “Good Evening” and shift each letter four spaces to the right, the message will become “Kssh Izirmrk”. As this encryption process requires only a single key; it is easier to use. After that, we use symmetric encryption for the actual bulk of the data encryption that takes place during your session. TLS uses symmetric-key encryption to provide confidentiality to the data that it transmits. Due to this reason, and other security features, it is also called secret key encryption. It’s possible, but the reality of that happening is so remote that it’s not practical. In case, other people are aware of the key, they can easily decrypt the information and read it, which none of you would like to. It’s not in transit, meaning that it’s not being sent across a network or the internet. For example, Roman General Julius Caesar also used encryption to communicate with his generals secretly. One quick note: This blog post is the first in a group of articles that we’re going to publish in the coming weeks that break down various aspects of symmetric encryption. And when you use the shift cipher, you’d shift any given letter X number of spaces. All Rights Reserved. It goes back to the concept that was discussed in the video that shows the uses of mixing of specific colors to create a shared value. We won’t get into all of the specifics of the handshake here — you’ll find a deep dive on that topic in our article on the TLS handshake. As implied in the name, the Private Key is intended to be private so that only the authenticated recipient can decrypt the message. Symmetric encryption is a data encryption method whereby the same key is used to encode and decode information. While symmetric key encryption in the sense of encoding digital data through the use of computers is relatively new (it’s been around since the mid-1900s), the concept behind isn’t. It means that our website has a website security certificate (SSL/TLS certificate) installed and you’re using a secure, encrypted connection to send data. A sender uses an encryption key to encrypt the message. This encryption method differs from asymmetric encryption where a pair of keys, one public and one private, is used to encrypt and decrypt messages. *Using Blowfish algorithm, CBC mode, Base64 encoding. The best quantum attack against generic symmetric-key systems is an application of Grover's algorithm, which requires work proportional to the square root of the size of the key space. So, this means that symmetric encryption is an integral component of website security. That’s why it’s vital to keep the secret key secret and away from prying eyes to limit the number of people who have the key. Today’s information exchanges take place through virtual channels via computers, websites, and the internet in general. Ready to learn more about machine identity management? Symmetric encryption requires that the same key used to lock the box is the one that is used to open the box. 2nd, It offers privacy and safety for data transmission with a single key. The requirement for this encryption method is, both the parties need to have access to the cryptographic key using which the data is encrypted and decrypted. Enables our web server to authenticate itself to your browser (web client). If you peek “under the hood,” how does symmetric encryption work? Applications of Asymmetric Encryption 1. 6 For symmetric encryption to work, however, it means that you and your intended recipient both must know the key and keep it secret. By using symmetric encryption algorithms, data is converted to a form that cannot be understood by anyon… To do this, you’d have to send the secret key across the internet — which you know is anything but secure. Diffie-Hellman uses the exchange of public variables (numbers) to generate a shared solution known as a session key. As a general rule, for 128 bits of security in a symmetric-key-based system, one can safely use key sizes of 256 bits. Casey Crane is a regular contributor to Hashed Out with 10+ years of experience in journalism and writing, including crime analysis and IT security. Symmetric encryption is a data encryption model that works with just one key for encrypting (encoding) and decrypting (decoding) private data. How does symmetric encryption work? The use of symmetric encryption in encoding data through computers is a relatively new thing. It’s part of what makes it possible to do everything from secure online banking to ordering your groceries for delivery. Symmetric cryptography itself is a process that’s thought to have been created thousands of years ago. When a large number of endpoints share the same key, the chances of exposure increases. Of course, we’re going to cover these three symmetric key algorithms — along with the differences between block and stream ciphers — in the coming weeks in additional articles. Only these two parties (sender and recipient) can read and access the data. Confidentiality. First, it uses a single key to encode and read the data. Symmetric key encryption does work on its own, for certain use cases. In fact, the RSA key exchange cipher suites (and non-ephemeral Diffie-Hellman groups) were deprecated with the rollout of TLS 1.3 in an effort to mandate perfect forward secrecy (which uses an ephemeral key). In addition, using symmetric encryption in a closed network isn’t too dangerous, because only a limited group … Symmetric encryption uses a single password to encrypt and decrypt data. }. I say that because even though cybercriminals understand how these calculations work, it’s incredibly difficult to reverse the process to find out the secret number you or your recipient used to generate your matching session keys. AES using 128-bit keys is often referred to as AES-128, and so on. Editor’s Note: This article is the first in a series of articles on symmetric encryption. The encrypted message, called ciphertext, looks like scrambled letters and can’t be read by anyone along the way. The sender uses an encryption key (usually a string of letters and numbers) to encrypt their message. With the Diffie-Hellman key exchange, the server and client instead mutually agree upon a value that’s used for the session key. And the secret cryptographic key is called the symmetric key. Symmetric encryption uses one key to encode the data, and the same key is used to decode the information. Here, the key is the number of steps you have shifted a letter to the right. For example, it’s useful for encrypting databases and files, where you’re not exchanging data publicly between parties. Both the sender and the recipient have identical copies of the key, which they keep secret and don’t share with anyone. One of the advantages of using symmetric encryption is that it provides data privacy and confidentiality without the extra complexity of multiple keys. A private key, which is not shared, decrypts the data. Symmetric encryption has found its uses in different fields including online banking, website security, and shopping. While it’s easy to combine colors to create the shared value, it’s virtually impossible to deconstruct those values to figure out exactly which shades of the colors were used to create them. But what is symmetric key encryption? For it to work, both the recipient and sender must know the private key to use for encoding and decoding data. It makes the encryption process simple to use. Excellent explanation. Block ciphers encrypt data in chunks (blocks), whereas stream ciphers encrypt data one bit at a time. So by encrypting the symmetric key using the (asymmetric) public-key system, PGP combines the efficiency of symmetric encryption with the security of public-key cryptography. So, for now, let’s stay the course and continue our journey of exploring the world of symmetric encryption. 14 Certificate Management Best Practices to keep your organization running, secure and fully-compliant. A mathematical cryptographic algorithm would turn this phrase into an unreadable sequence of symbols like 'p.fb@[p6#!zv.' Let’s say that you want to share secret messages with your friend, Erica, who’s in another country but she doesn’t have a key to decrypt said messages. PCI compliance is necessary for the banking sector. Here are the main types of symmetric encryption algorithm: 1. The two parties must have the same key before they can achieve secure communication. A key to descramble the data into its original form Let's take any phrase. The receiver can easily decrypt the message by using this key. It has more advanced features compared to DES. Check out this great video to see how the Diffie-Hellman key exchange process works using colors: The strength of any cryptographic key depends on a few specific considerations. It takes help from an identical key to encode and decrypt the information. Imagine writing out the entire alphabet in a single long line. In contrast to asymmetric encryption, symmetric encryption uses only one key for both encryption and decryption. That’s a topic for another time. For example, the use of Vigenère Cipher in the 15th century AD. Symmetric encryptionis a type of encryption where only one key (a secret key) is used to both encrypt and decrypt electronic information. First is the public key to encrypt the information and a private key to decrypt data. Symmetric algorithms are broken down into two main types: stream and block ciphers. Required fields are marked *. Symmetric encryption is the oldest and most-known encryption technique. What this also means is that your browser (client) has already gone through the process of: The way that HTTPS works is that we use asymmetric encryption to first authenticate the website server and to exchange symmetric session keys. The data, once encrypted into ciphertext, can’t be read or otherwise understood by anyone who doesn’t have the key. Types of symmetric encryption. How Does Symmetric Encryption Work To Protect Files. This was a method by which Caesar was able to secretly communicate with his generals without anyone being able to read the messages (even if the message carriers were intercepted). For example, when data need to be shared openly between two parties. The symmetric key encryption does not need as many CPU cycles as asymmetric key encryption, so one can say generally faster. But let’s explore a few of the encryption algorithms that fall under the symmetric encryption umbrella. It’s one type of data encryption, but it’s not the only one. Therefore, their brief details are provided below: DES and AES are two of the examples of encryption algorithms. Now, you may be wondering whether a cybercriminal could just reverse the process to guess the variables to calculate the numbers that were used. This message is known as the ciphertext, which is inaccessible to others. This means that you and the party you’re communicating with both need to have an identical copy of the key to communicate securely. Private Key (or Symmetric Key): This means that the encryption and decryption keys are the same. Data Encryption Standard is known to be a low-level encryption method. These encryption rounds are the reason behind the impenetrability of AES, as there are far too many rounds to break through. So, what are some of the most commonly used or well-known symmetric algorithms? To understand how symmetric cryptography works, you need to know what the components are that are involved in the process: The way that symmetric encryption works is by encrypting and decrypting data through the use of identical keys. The encryption process plays a crucial role in payment applications. DES. It’s a popular encryption option, and the secret key used here can either be a mix of letters, words, or numbers (look like gibberish characters). This secret session key is what you’d use to exchange data in a secure channel that’s protected by symmetric encryption. Symmetrical Encryption works in three simple steps: A sender uses an encryption key to encrypt the message. After all, you’re applying one key to turn plaintext, readable information into unreadable gibberish (ciphertext) and vice versa. Be sure to check out the related articles below: To put this in the simplest terms possible, symmetric encryption is a type of encryption that uses the same key to encrypt and decrypt data. Symmetrical Encryption works in three simple steps: This information remains only between the sender and the receiver. Your email address will not be published. There are various other examples of symmetric encryption use in the past. That, in our example, are four spaces. This is particularly important for enterprises who encrypt data at scale. The data, once encrypted into ciphertext, can’t be read or otherwise understood by anyone who doesn’t have the key. Some other algorithms in this regard include: In the list, all algorithms are block ones, except the RC4 which is a streamed one. We will only use your email address to respond to your comment and/or notify you of responses. How Symmetric Encryption Works: Alice wants to send an encrypted message to Bob and both have the secret key, which is generated by the encryption algorithm or by a third-party software. Encryption has been in use since well before most people could read or write. Symmetric encryption plays a central role in PCI compliance. (This is an example of symmetric encryption, in which only one key is used.) Symmetric encryption is useful in many cases and has implementation opportunities across various industries. Symmetric–key-based cryptography. Some other applications of symmetric encryption include: Symmetric encryption has various applications including in banking to website security. So, RSA key exchange was replaced by the exclusive use of ephemeral Diffie-Hellman key exchanges. You need to keep those keys hidden somewhere where no one is going to be able to find, access, or steal them. This was a really great article. Hence, when it’s time to look at speed, symmetric (Al-Shabi, M. A., 2019). Although symmetric cryptography is an old method of encryption, it still holds an invaluable place in our digital world. As such, you should never store secret or private keys in any internet-facing environment. So, now that we know what symmetric encryption is and how it works, how is it used in the real world? So, if you were to shift the letter “G” by nine spaces, it would become “P.” The letter “O” would become “X.” This means that the message “Good morning, sunshine,” for example, then becomes “Pxxm vxawrwp bdwbqrwn” when you shift each letter nine spaces to the right. So, as you can see, calling Diffie-Hellman an “encryption” algorithm is actually misleading because it can’t be used to encrypt or decrypt anything. An early example of symmetric encryption — and probably the best-known symmetric cipher — is attributed to the Roman General Julius Caesar. This is why it’s also sometimes called secret key encryption, secret key cryptography, private key cryptography, symmetric cryptography and symmetric key encryption. Therefore, only the sender or receiver can read it. 4, which focuses on protecting in-transit data. Without knowing them, the study of symmetric encryption remains incomplete. In the case of a basic shift cipher, one can easily encrypt or decrypt the message by shifting the text up to a specific number of spaces along the alphabets. Remember how we talked about how symmetric encryption is a part of the HTTPS process? How symmetric algorithms work To encrypt any message, you need three elements: 1. So, if you’re trying to communicate securely with your friend Erica using symmetric key cryptography, you’ll use asymmetric encryption tactics to generate and share a secure key that only you and Erica will know. And what role does it play in your daily life online? The AES encryption algorithm encrypts and decrypts data in blocks of 128 bits. An easy way to think of this is to think of this encryption process is through the use of a Caesar cipher, or what’s known as a substitution or shift cipher. Generates a session key that only the two communicating parties know using that algorithm and other public and private variables. ABC Institute knows how sensitive this information is and have raised several concerns about the security between the two companies. How does data encryption work? The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards is a set of 12 requirements that businesses or organizations that accept credit card payments must adhere to. Seeing its importance and to solve some of your queries, we will here discuss the important aspects of symmetric encryption. Symmetric algorithms are the cryptographic functions that are central to symmetric key encryption. Required fields are marked *, Notify me when someone replies to my comments, Captcha * There are also asymmetric algorithms and asymmetric key exchange protocols. DES is the first symmetric encryption algorithm. This differs from asymmetric encryption, which uses two keys — a public key (that anyone can access) to encrypt information and a private key to decrypt information. (More on that shortly.). The Caesar cipher algorithm we used earlier in this article substitutes each letter with another letter that sits a fixed distance away from it in the alphabet. Once data has been encrypted with an algorithm, it … They’re a set of instructions or steps that computers follow to perform specific tasks relating to encrypting and decrypting data. However, the idea of symmetric cryptography is centuries old. A symmetric key encryption algorithm (we’ll touch on the different types of algorithms a bit later). Notice: By subscribing to Hashed Out you consent to receiving our daily newsletter. See that padlock in your browser’s URL bar? Nowadays, however, we’re not passing paper messages back and forth. The Diffie-Hellman key exchange algorithm is a public key distribution system that uses modular arithmetic to come to an agreed upon secret number (session key). The idea of encryption is not only easy to understand but also easy to implement. The RSA encryption algorithm, which stands for Rivest-Shamir-Adleman (the surnames of the three people who created it), is an authentication and key exchange mechanism that’s commonly used in the TLS 1.2 handshake process. .hide-if-no-js { Just in case it’s helpful, let’s do a quick review of how encryption works in general: In the example above, we used the same key for encryption and decryption, which means this is symmetric encryption. What is symmetric encryption? I hope this article has provided you with insights that will help you better understand the process and its role in cybersecurity. Having only one key to serve both the encryption and decryption functions simplifies the encryption process. AES uses symmetric key encryption, which involves the use of only one secret key to cipher and decipher information. You write either highly valuable or sensitive information in it that you don’t want anyone other people to read. Okay, we’ve reached the finish line. An identical secret key that only you and your intended recipient have that encrypts and decrypts the data. In fact, you’re using PKI-based technologies and processes right now as part of your connection to to read this article. Asymmetric Encryption uses two distinct, yet related keys. Many types of encryption algorithms will use either symmetric or asymmetric, or in some cases, a combination of both, such as in SSL data … It works well when you want to exchange data in a safe yet fast way. The randomness (entropy) of how it was generated, and. As a result, it differentiates symmetric encryption from asymmetric one which uses two keys. However, we aren’t going to hash out all of the specifics of asymmetric encryption here. To turn it … However, it is more popular due to two reasons.

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