ffxi bst duo guide

ffxi bst duo guide

Since Beastmaster is an advanced job, players must complete a quest before they are able to level as a beastmaster. The beastmaster quest begins in Jeuno and takes the player all of one zone away to Qufim Island to inspect a coral outcropping. Rdm can solo a LOT of content below lvl 129 with trust and if you duo rdm + GEO or PLD can melee on rdm fairly easy [+] If you have a full party, do @expcamp for the level of your party.) My BST is in a similar situation. If the Beastmaster uses a pet of a higher level than the highest level party member, the pet's level is used as the highest level party member for purposes of calculating Experience Points. They are very accomplished soloers. If you are having too hard a time for something then rethink your approach, get some help, improve your equipment, or level a little bit then try it again. Bst is great with pup duo. Bst + Whm or rdm is good for AOE killing for CP once you get there. Becoming a Beastmaster [edit | edit source]. ... level of learning curve...but learn it and love it. come by and kill your Beastmaster. 23: I did a duo with another BST, Crabs vs Pugils at the beach near Valkurm Emperor. There are four Pugil spawns and you can get Chain 3, then rest for respawns. Such camps are marked in blue. i'm a lvl 40 sam/war galka. ... A job like PUP, DRG, BST, RDM, DNC, or BLU will fare much better at completing something solo over a job like WHM or GEO. Now lots of people sub DNC also on BST. No experience point penalty is incurred while using charmed pets or pets summoned by Call Beast. everything okay then. The original guide that the Wiki post is from is the Detailed Solo Guide - Lv. Sometimes, a BST mob may not actually be at the camp location, in which case you will have to find a way to kill the existing mobs until the BST spawns. I duo'd with my wife 1-92 with me BST/nin and her BST/whm or BST/rdm. We should duo some stuff. Falk has a profile attached to his FFXIAH profile as well as a guide for gear BIS in the FFXIAH BST forums. If you're duo, try the camps 2-4 levels early. i am pissed. Probably the best solo/duo group would for you both to level Beastmaster. Rdm Whm and Pld all pair well. Outside of that bias, I still think BST is the best option for both jobs because of the nature of the job, especially if you plan to charm your way up, which I highly recommend as its the most rewarding way to level BST IMO. You can also pull a Goblin from further inland if you'd like. i have a hour before i have to eat easter dinner i wonder if i can complete bst flag quest.... so i go up and do what i have to do to do the quest. Finally, be aware that other higher level players may very well accidentally (or intentionally!) Typcially in a duo what I've done is one of us sub /whm for cures, dia and occasionally enfeebles and the other goes /nin so they can psudo tank if needed. Final Fantasy XI (FFXI, FF11). This article is a guide. lolpups are only decent at low levels (lvl 30max), when there's no good gear for any job, not many job abilities or skills, etc. level 2. they miss a lot, they hit for crap, they hit slow, to have a decent automaton they need to spend a crapload amount of gil, they don't get good gear,. (The levels given are for solo. 19-22 Qufim Island i was bored today and i was running our jeuno and i thought to myself. BST will probably be … but as everyone levels up you can see the enormous gimpness a pup is. A Beastmaster's pet has no other effects on Experience Points. This camp could work for 24 and possibly 25 as well as the Pugils still could be chained. Enjoy Final Fantasy XI. 19-70 by Salacia.Reading through the 5 pages of it I came across these bits: Wstwd said: At ~62-66 you can solo the qiqirn enterprisers at the I-10 entrance to Aydeewa from Wajaom Woodlands pretty safely. From the FINAL FANTASY XI Development Team.

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