This is a list of fictional cities, towns, and villages from the Forgotten Realms setting. Relations with Other Races

Tavern, Inn and Pub Name Generator. Use this awesome Duergar Name Generator to get a completely unique result. The strength of a dwarf character must be reflected in their name.

Her faith is particularly strong beneath the Osraun Mountains of Turmish, where her followers rule Dunspeirrin, the City of Sunken Spires. This list is a good place to start, but it can be used to make new names. Akadum Any names you generate with this can be used free of charge, so go ahead and have some fun with it! It is possible to use name generator programs to create unique names that sound right for the Drow, but some discrimination is necessary.

200 Male Dwarf Names.
1 5 10 Any Surname Male first name Male full name Female first name Female full name Co-gnome-inate Deep Duerra is venerated primarily by duergar who study the Invisible Art. These locations have appeared in the Forgotten Realms campaign setting for the Dungeons and Dragons fantasy roleplaying game, the multiple series of novels set in the Forgotten Realms, or the numerous video and computer games set in the Forgotten Realms, or any combination thereof. This one of a kind generator is super fun, easy to use and can be used for multiple purposes. Below is a list drawn up from all of these sources, and then some. Generate how many? Adkuhm. The Story Shack offers a wide range of flash fiction, writing tools and random name generators. So if you’re scrambling for the perfect unique name for your character, below is a list of fierce and warrior-worthy names that you might like. The generator randomly selects from over a hundred thousand combinations drawn from historic, tabletop role playing games and other whimsical sources. 122) entry describes this succinctly: Eons spent in the Underdark also sharpened their darkvision, allowing them to see twice as far as other dwarves. There are also a lot of gaming products with new Drow names as well. This keen eyesight comes at a cost, however, as a duergar's vision is compromised by sunlight. The undercity: as the city began to sprawl and spread across the topside, it did so on the under. The generator will come up with various random names for you to choose from, discover, get ideas, or accept as an awesome new name! And by those militant gray dwarves who would rather crush their subterranean neighbors than trade with them. While some think the spores from the myconids are dangerous, or that having drow and duergar in city limits is the source of the underground slave culture, others say that … The Duergar's MM (pg. Gnomish Names In RPG worlds, gnomes tend to be tinkers, inventors, artificers, and their names reflect their affinity with tools, technology, and engineering.

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