However, recent studies on a frozen specimen of blue walleye actually are suggesting that blue and yellow walleye may actually be the same fish. Calling anglers of all experience levels! Calling anglers of all experience levels! Interesting Facts About Walleye. Walleye have their ‘taste buds’ in their lips – thousands of them! 2. However, the most interesting facts about the walleye might surprise you. 3. This helps the walleye see in dim to dark conditions under water, which gives the fish an advantage over the other fish that they prey on for food. Walleye Facts. Posted: June 15, 2017. Wacky About Walleye – 10 Interesting Facts By angelamontana . Posted on July 12, 2017 by Mattice Lake Outfitters Admin • 0 Comments. Mega-jumbo-sized perch anyone? Posted on July 12, 2017 by Mattice Lake Outfitters Admin • 0 Comments.
More research is being done to determine genetic markers. The reflective eye of the walleye can help it find food at night. These members of the perch family are famous for their unpredictability in the sense that they act crazy for a few days and then disappear without a trace the next time. Interesting Facts About Walleye. Eyes The marble eyes of the walleye have a reflective pigment layer in the retina. The walleye is a member of the Perch family.
You may or may not know this info about walleye: Walleye can live up to 20 years, and grow slowly in the northerly most part of their range. Here are some facts from Walleye Central we would like to share with you. The Walleye (also known as the pickerel, dore or jackfish) is among the most popular of all game fish. Females are larger than males. 1. Walleye are a member of the perch family (Percidae). Interesting Walleye Facts: Walleye can reach 31 inches in length and 20 (rarely 25) pounds of weight.
The walleye is named for its pearlescent eye, which is caused by a reflective layer of pigment called the tapetum lucidum, that helps them see and feed at night or in murky water. Walleye Interesting Facts. Read on and find out interesting fish facts on walleye. If you are planning a fishing trip to see us in beautiful Northwestern Ontario, we will help you prepare for your adventure by telling you everything you could ever want to know about Walleye, the most common freshwater game fish. Walleye can reach a maximum length of about 36″ and weigh over 20 pounds. For your entertainment, here are some facts about Walleyes! PS: if you’d like to see more facts about other fish, let me know in the comments! The closely related blue walleye, native to Southern Canada in areas such as Ontario and Quebec, now are presumed extinct. The fish is the most sought after fish in the nation. Scary stories for little sunfish.
If you are planning a fishing trip to see us in beautiful Northwestern Ontario, we will help you prepare for your adventure by telling you everything you could ever want to know about Walleye, the most common freshwater game fish. Walleye has dark brown, golden-brown or olive-brown back, yellow belly and silver or yellowish-colored lateral sides of the body.