Adult birds A tiny marsh bird, no bigger than a sparrow. USFWS. USFWS: Species of Concern CDFG: Threatened Species Account Status and Description. Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; 12-Month Petition Finding and Threatened Species Status for Eastern Black Rail With a Section 4(d) RI;e. Federal Register. The black rail is found year-round throughout coastal marshes in Florida. Anahuac National Wildlife Refuge, Anahuac US-TX (29.6644,-94.4222) Skillern Tract, Chambers June 2018. Studies show over the past 20 years Black Rail populations have declined 90 percent in the Chesapeake Bay with a similar rate of decline recorded in NC. The U.S. FWS's Threatened & Endangered Species System track information about listed species in the United States The small, secretive Black Rail is a difficult bird for atlasers to find and researches to study, hence it is not surprising that its distribution as well as its life history are poorly known. One of four subspecies of black rail, the eastern black rail, though rare, is broadly distributed but highly localized, and lives in salt, brackish, and freshwater marshes. We are proposing to list the eastern black rail as a threatened species under the Endangered Species Act. Proposed listing for the eastern black rail October 5, 2018 What action is the U.S. Extremely secretive, it walks or runs through the marsh, and is rarely seen in flight. 2019. Courtesy of the National Audubon Society. Species status assessment report for the eastern black rail (Laterallus jamaicensis jamaicensis), Version 1.2. Photo: Brian E. Small/VIREO . Atlanta, GA, U.S.A. USFWS.
black rail (Laterallus jamaicensis jamaicensis) to assess the subspecies’ overall viability. The distinctive short song of the Black Rail is given mostly late at night, so the bird may go unnoticed in some areas.
Thus, USFWS is proposing to list the eastern black rail as threatened with a Section 4(d) Rule. The California black rail is listed as a California State Threatened Species. The eastern black rail is a subspecies of black rail, a small, cryptic marsh bird that occurs in salt, brackish, and freshwater wetlands in the eastern United States (east of the Rocky Mountains), Mexico, Central America, and the Caribbean. Fish and Wildlife Service taking? The black rail is rarely seen outside of the cover of dense marsh grasses and is …
Black Rail (Laterallus jamaicensis) Black rail/NY Department of Environmental Conservation Description The smallest North American rail, black rails average 6 inches in length and 1.1 oz. 2018. One of four subspecies of black rail, the eastern black rail, though rare, is broadly distributed but highly localized, and lives in salt, brackish, and freshwater marshes. The 4(d) Rule contains species-specific conservation measures for the eastern black rail. These measures will include seasonal fire restrictions and seasonal agricultural restrictions in wetlands where eastern black rails are present. The preferred habitats have been fragmented and degraded by human activity, making survival difficult (Eddleman et … BLACK RAIL SURVEYS UNCOVER ALARMING DECLINE. Black Rails are one of the most imperiled bird species on the Atlantic Coast. Partially migratory, the eastern black rail is known to appear in as many as 36 states plus multiple territories and countries in the Caribbean and Central and South America. Partially migratory, the eastern black rail is known to appear in as many as 36 states plus multiple territories and countries in the Caribbean and Central and South America. in weight. This small and secretive marsh bird has a soft gray chest and belly and a dark back dabbled with white spots. In very dense cover, it may get around by using the runways made by mice. 2018. USFWS. As part of its proposal, the USFWS has outlined a special 4(d) rule that would prohibit certain activities, including fire management, haying, mowing and grazing, during critical time periods for the bird, such as nesting/brooding seasons and post-breeding flightless molt periods. Adult rails are approximately 5-6 inches in length (Trulio and Evens 2000). Stocky and short-billed, birds have a dark gray to blackish head, gray neck and breast, rufous nape, and a black and white patterned back. The eastern black rail breeds in Colorado and Kansas, but there are no population estimates from that region.