native; Habitat. According to the IUCN Red List, the total mugger crocodile population size is around 5,700-8,700 mature individuals. Mugger confl ict has been reported from different parts of the country (Whitaker 2007, 2008), indicating possible increases in population and/or Mugger reaching larger sizes. The life expectancy in the wild is lower than the captivity. Total population: Approx.
The mugger crocodile (Crocodylus palustris) is most commonly found in freshwater environments such as rivers, lakes, hill streams, and village ponds. Among the largest crocodile species in terms of physical size, muggers can grow to 13 to 16.5 feet (about 4 to 5 meters) as adults. Tikarpada for gharials in … Status of crocodile populations.
Estimated Wild Population: 5,000-10,000 It is extinct in Bhutan and Myanmar and has been listed as Vulnerable on the IUCN Red List since The mugger crocodile (Crocodylus palustris), also called marsh crocodile, broad-snouted crocodile and mugger is a crocodilian native to freshwater habitats from southern Iran to the Indian subcontinent. The mugger crocodile population within this small stretch of river has grown substantially over the past two decades, from nine individuals recorded in 1993 to 81 individuals recorded in 2009 (Vyas 2010). However, the break-up of the Soviet Union led to large-scale poaching which caused this population along with others dwindle and decline. (Choudhury and da Silva, 2013; Da Silva and Lenin, 2010) Biogeographic Regions; oriental. The Ustyurt population was as large as 265,000 adult individuals in the late 1980s. Population estimates and conservation status of the … Feeding Habit. Mugger crocodile (Crocodylus palustris) The Indian subcontinent and surrounding countries This is a modest sized crocodile with a very broad snout and an alligator-like appearance. Mugger crocodile predominantly eats on the mammals, birds, herpetofauna, crabs, shrimps, fish and others. 500-2500: Mugger Crocodile Bite Force: The mugger crocodiles have the bite force about 2500 psi which depends on the size of the crocodile.
The life expectancy of the mugger crocodile in captivity is found to be 44 years.
The Mugger or Marsh Crocodile Crocodylus palustris found in Gujarat State is the crocodilian species responsible for conflict with local people. The most recent records of the species within the country come from Guangxi province during the 19th Century and a skeleton found in Hong Kong in 1922. C. Arivazhagan, researcher with Care Earth, a … The mugger, or marsh, crocodile can be found in freshwater pools, wetlands, lakes, and slow-moving streams from Iran to the western fringes of Southeast Asia. Mugger crocodile (Crocodylus palustris); Salt water crocodile (Crocodylus palustris) & Gharial (Ganvialis gangeticus) in which 1 species of Maggar crocodile (Crocodylus Polustris) and Ghariyal (Ganvialis gangeticus) are found in Madhya Pradesh. In 1867 the last sighting of a mugger crocodile in Myanmar took place. It has dark-grey to brown coloration. The crocodile’s range continues southward to the island of Sri Lanka. Enlarged scutes around the neck make it a heavily armoured species. The crocodile capture at the high force and it is hard to get off their jaws while if you hold their closed jaws with normal force, they unable to open it. The Mugger or Marsh Crocodile Crocodylus palustris found in Gujarat State is the crocodilian species responsible for conflict with local people. The Madras Crocodile …
Prefers slow moving rivers, swamps and lakes. ... Villagers in Odisha’s Malkangiri kill, consume meat of mugger crocodile. Mugger crocodiles kill a handful of humans ever year, but the species does not appear to view humans as a prey item in the same way that the saltwater crocodile and Nile crocodile do. Odisha is the only State in India having all three species of gharial, mugger and saltwater crocodile. The State forest department began conservation of these crocodile species in 1975 by establishing three rearing centres. There are several thousand Mugger in captivity in Indian crocodilian breeding facilities.