I told the guy at petco a while back that they should keep their otos in their planted tanks instead of the spotless tanks so they don't starve and because they have serious algae and diatom problems in there which make all of of the plants look like crap. Otocinclus Catfish $ 2.00.
Otos are the smallest Loricariids around. Cory Catfish, also called Cory Cats, Cory Fish and Corydoras Catfish, are very popular freshwater fish in pet stores. Algal blooms are a common issue for beginners. The Otocinclus Catfish is the algae-busting favorite of aquarium hobbyists. Back Home Fishes Pleco & Bottom Feeder Otocinclus Catfish. It is not uncommon to lose half the ottos you buy. Named for the Cocama-Cocamilla Indian tribes that used to be dominant in the lower Ucayali and lower Marañon region of Peru, Otocinclus cocama is also referred to as the Tiger oto or Zebra oto by tropical fish keeping enthusiasts. They’re hardy, active and cute, and you’ll probably want a small group of them in your tank. Next product.
Otos should be kept in schools and will disappear into the landscape of your tank. ... as it is very hardy and doesn't grow very large. Will happily live in a wide range of water conditions. Otocinclus Catfish - Otocinclus sp. The golden otocinclus (Macrotocinclus affinis, formerly Otocinclus affinis) is one of the smallest known suckermouth catfish, often called a 'dwarf oto'.
These are small fish (1-2 inches) that are best known as algae-eaters. (Macrotocinclus affinis / Otocinclus affinis)The Otocinclus Catfish, commonly known as Otos or Oto Cat. The Zebra Otocinclus (Otocinclus cocama) is one of the smallest catfish in the Loricariidae family and is a voracious algae eating machine. What is the ideal number to keep together? Origin and Collecting of Otocinclus Originating from South America the Otocinclus feeds on algae and biofilm within shallower areas of the river. How large can they grow? Ottos are only sensitive during their initial period of being added to the tank (Up to 2 months) after this they become extreme hardy. The zebra danio is a great tropical fish for beginners, and very popular. Ocean Free U-35 $ 20.00. Re: Tank-bred Otocinclus? What water conditions do they require? Found throughout Peru.
Staples in freshwater community tanks, Corydoras Catfish are hardy fish that can be kept even by beginners because they’re easy to keep and do well even in 20-gallon tanks. Size: Approx. API Cichlid Pellets $ 7.00 – $ 12.00.
Even award-winning planted-aquarium experts like Takashi Amano will employ this tireless algae eater.