Watch Queue Queue Rope fish aren’t an aggressive species and you generally won’t see them attacking tank mates. Share. Thanks in advance Breeding / Mating / Reproduction: See breeding section in the article above. In addition, you will need to select fish that can thrive in a more brackish environment. They get their names from their ability to hunt insects and other small land-based animals by shooting them down with powerful jets of water. Good tank mates for Archers are Scats, Monos, Silver Needle Noses, Puffers, White Tip … Hey I have a 50 gal brackish tank currently at 1.007 sg.
Archer fish feeding at the Jenk Aquarium! The only exception is smaller fish might be eaten after being mistaken for food. One thing to watch out for is their ability to jump. They get massive and they are also brackish water fish. I'm wondering if the archers will eat the mollys when they're full grown. My archer is due to come in this weekend and was wondering what other tankmates I might be able to put in with it. Clouded Burmese Archer Fish (Toxotes Blythii) @ Tropiquatics!
Columbian shark: I had one of these. Tank Mates: Other brackish fish species such as Monos, Scats, some Gobies, etc. Appearance. Archer fish by Joseph Bylund via Flickr. This video is unavailable. Diet: Omnivorous, will accept a wide range of foods, but frozen/live are foods preferred. Archer fish Tank Mates When selecting archer fish tankmates , avoid species that are smaller than archer fish, as they have been known to eat anything that is smaller than them. It should be fairly small. 3/15/2014 Now available are some very nice and rare Clouded Burmese Archer Fish… The species I ordered is T. Microlepis but I will further identify once I get it. Archer Fish enjoy each other company and live best in a group with at least 3 Archer Fish. They look like ropes, snakes and reeds, which is why their names haven’t needed to be too imaginative. Archerfish are one of the most fascinating species of brackish water aquarium fish. Archerfish General Description. They are brackish water fish (some salt) so make sure other tank mates are also brackish fish. Good with target fish and scats, but, once larger, they will eat anything that fits in their mouth. right now our (small) archers are in a 55 gal tank with lots of livebearers.. in a couple of weeks they're going to be moved to a 250 gallon tank.