Hi sweetheart! Please read the sidebar below for our rules. Discussion in 'General' started by Rasta_Man, Apr 3, 2007. (they really big) or any other sea birds Additional Details the are really big and the can't be eating worse things then wild pigs or those battery chickerns i DON'T wanna eat … Does exactly what it says on the tin^ http://www.break.com/index/pelican_eats_a_duck.html
Anyone ever heard of a pelican eating a live duck,,,,, me neither till I saw this http://www.break.com/index/pelican_eats_a_duck.html Please try again. :P I can’t even write e-mails.. or at least write them quickly! Anyone ever heard of a pelican eating a live duck,,,,, me neither till I saw this http://www.break.com/index/pelican_eats_a_duck.html my internet conection is awful.. I’ve been trying to get to this web for ages! Does exactly what it says on the tin^ http://www.break.com/index/pelican_eats_a_duck.html [va-bird] Pelican eating duck - - FreeLists, va-bird at FreeLists During periods of starvation, pelicans have been reported capturing and eating seagulls and ducklings.
They readily accept 'handouts' from humans, and a number of unusual items have been recorded in their diet.
- Awesome footage of a Pelican swallowing whole a small bird (Yes its a pigeon i know). [va-bird] Pelican eating duck - - FreeLists, va-bird at FreeLists This Pelican is pissed off! - Awesome footage of a Pelican swallowing whole a small bird (Yes its a pigeon i know).
The best place for video content of all kinds. Thread Status: Not open for further replies. Cat meat is meat prepared from domestic cats for human consumption. If you enjoyed this video, please take a few seconds to click one or two adverts, thank you very much. Your search did not return any results. Pelicans mainly eat fish, but they are opportunistic feeders and eat a variety of aquatic animals including crustaceans, tadpoles and turtles.
DID YOU MEAN. When a Pelican eats a Duck -- Fowl Foul.
Alex Worrall said he saw a pelican in the park eat a duck about 20 years ago, while John Stather said he saw two of the birds eat pigeons at the same time six years ago.
If you enjoyed this video, please take a few seconds to click one or two adverts, thank you very much. Mr Stather said: "First of all one pelican grabbed a pigeon, and then one of the others did exactly the same.