If you garden in the Southwest, doubtless you have Western fence lizards (Sceloporus occidentalis), also known as blue bellies. Western Fence Lizards are also frequently called “blue belly” lizards because of the bright blue patches on their abdomen and chin. The male Fence lizard turns a bright blue on his belly and throat during late spring and early summer. This makes gender easy to determine. Start with a hatchling lizard--they are "clean slates," so-to-speak.
put an inch of vermiculite (moist, but you cant squeeze water out of it), then carefully put the eggs spaced out halfway buried. So in other words, the ones with blue bellies don't lay eggs. They're part of my garden's ecosystem, and I'm grateful to them for eating insects. The lower sides of the arms and legs are yellow, but not as prominent as the blue abdomens. Fence lizard eggs are a little bigger than a jelly bean.
Dear Bob and Jacqueline: Blue bellies, aka Western fence lizards, are probably the most common lizard to be found in Bay Area backyards, followed by the good-old-boy alligator lizards. The male Western Fence Lizard has yellow on its thighs and a blue belly, hence the name “Blue-belly.” The female also has blue on her belly but not on the throat and the color isn´t as vibrant as the male´s iridescent aqua-marine coloring. They eat insects like ants, flies, non-poisonous spiders, and small worms. Often called "blue bellied lizards" the Western Fence Lizard can be found scurrying about in less populated areas (e.g. If you are in the L.A. area and see a lizard on a rock doing “push up” displays, it is this lizard.
Only the males have blue bellies, not the females. Other than that, I seldom gave them a thought...until recently. But of course, such insects should not be bigger than the lizard’s head. Information and Tips on Taking Care of Western Fence Lizards as Pets. If you try taming a wild caught lizard, you will have the added effort of having to "de-program" all of the prejudices and hard-wiring that it has already developed. the little plastic ziplock boxes like you would put a sandwich in work well. Get a Young Lizard. Captive-bred is preferable. They do push-up displays on boulders and scurry if you get too close. However, before getting one, go through this PetPonder post to get some tips on the lifespan, habitat, and care of a blue-belly lizard. There is no such thing as a blue belly lizard. The male western fence lizard (Sceloporis occidentalis), the most commonly seen lizard here in the Bay Area and known colloquially as the “blue belly”, does indeed have deep blue markings along the side of its belly. In Southern California, western fence lizards breed in … South Campus). This is what I do to tame my lizards, and it works like a charm: 1. The most well known feature is their blue throats and abdominal undersides, which give this lizard the nickname “blue belly”.
They like to sit on elevated objects (like fences) and sun themselves. Baby lizards protect themselves at night by burrowing their bodies under the ground. When the eggs are laid, I like to tranfser them to a different container. These guys are native to all of California except deserts. Baby lizards do not feed on milk, instead hatchlings can eat what an adult lizard eats from the start. This is a male fence lizard. Only adult males have these bright colorations; those in females and juveniles are dull. Also known as blue-belly because of the blue color on its neck and underside, a western fence lizard can make a really great pet.