Still, he believes that the company gains way more by sending employees abroad than by sending him to New York to meet an investor.
However, this is not a one-step process. Expat employees have to be well looked after to help them overcome the sizeable challenges involved in relocating for work purposes. Sending employees abroad can be challenging, but the benefits well outweigh the risks. This article focuses on the important considerations to make when sending employees abroad. KPMG Global Mobility Services / Sending Employees Abroad / January 2015 Irish businesses seeking to develop growth opportunities overseas are required to send Irish employees on business trips and assignments abroad to develop and expand these new markets. There are a number of reasons that your business may need to send an employee from your home office on a work assignment overseas. If you secure, or are trying to secure, overseas business, what do you need to consider when sending your contractors, your employees, or even just yourself abroad?.
Just determining the bottom-line cost of a move involves many factors. COMMENT ; Sending employees abroad isn't without its challenges. Clearly, some countries have travel risks, and many have business travel customs that you need to know about. This article is the second in a series on company relocation. Kevin Melton of AXA Global Healthcare takes us through the biggest potential hurdles. Here are some of the important …
Anna Jordan .
Whether it’s your first time sending employees abroad or you’ve done it before, you must have a strategy and plan in place. In fact, a comprehensive global mobility program is ideal. For example, if your business is expanding into a new market, establishing business relationships or staffing an existing foreign operation, then you will need experienced employees in place to ensure success. It is not as straightforward as giving them a plane ticket. Many people are enticed by a career overseas .
Before the Asian financial crisis in 1997, the immediate reaction to any minor challenge in an international office was to pack up a trusted employee …
Failure to acknowledge these issues greatly heightens the chances that the whole endeavour will be fruitless.
Why send employees abroad – the benefits to the organization We must be clear straight off that a long-term assignment is not always the right solution.
With such an array of choices, your human resources (HR) department will benefit greatly from knowing which decisions to prioritise.
However, sending an employee abroad is a big endeavour. Besides these issues facing individual employees, for any business, the taxing methods and legal requirements of sending an employee to work abroad can vary greatly depending on the country. SMEs face competition from larger, better-resourced companies that can more easily afford to send employees abroad – a powerful tool when trying to retain and attract talent.
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