The cobra is capable of climbing small trees and eating bird eggs found in nests. Here, we review the diet of cape cobras (Naja nivea) based on examination of museum specimens, an extensive literature review, and social media reported natural history observations. Related Questions. Cobras often feed on eggs and chicks raided from poultry houses, in addition to small mammals, toads, lizards, birds and even other snakes. 2011-11-07 21:20:32 2011-11-07 21:20:32. Here, we review the diet of cape cobras (Naja nivea) based on examination of museum specimens, an extensive literature review, and social media reported natural history observations. Field Notes The Cape coral snake has thick black rings along the length of the body, fully encircling on the body while not fully on the tail segment. Predators of the cobra include meerkats, mongooses, honey badgers, secretary birds, and snake eagles. 43 Bree Street, 1st Floor, Cape Town City Centre, South Africa +27 21 415 3440 | + 27 60 646 6704. . After it has swallowed an egg, the shell is pierced by these spines and then crushed by the snake’s muscle contractions.
The Puff Adder is widespread over much of South Africa and elsewhere further north into Africa. Identification: The Cape cobra is black or brown in color and is mottled with yellow or orange.
This species also contains a narrow hood right below the head, much like other cobras. It is a heavy-bodied snake that relies on its excellent camouflage and is reluctant to move. Mice and other cobras. 2011-11-07 21:20:32 2011-11-07 21:20:32. “The Cobra has some unusual feeding traits.” The cobra has long spines inside the throat on the neck vertebrae. Most species have a broad diet including small mammals, birds, fish, amphibians and other reptiles. What does a cape cobra eat? Habitat: Arid savannas, urban and rural areas Diet: Carnivore: rodents, birds, lizards, toads, snakes Reproduction: Clutches can contain anywhere from 8-25 eggs. Wiki User. In addition with each purchase made, we will be contributing towards feeding the children of South Africa - Thank you for your support. What we didn’t know was that snakes form a huge part of their diet,” said herpetologist Bryan Maritz. Wiki User. “We knew they ate snakes. “The Cobra has some unusual feeding traits.” The cobra has long spines inside the throat on the neck vertebrae. Top Answer. We are offering 20% OFF sitewide – Subscribe to our newsletter and use CODE: GIVEBACK20 at check out. Behavior: Cape cobras are active at night and during the day. The COnstraint-Based Reconstruction and Analysis Toolbox is a MATLAB software suite for quantitative prediction of cellular and multicellular biochemical networks with constraint-based modelling. All six species require an import permit and conditions apply to their import and keeping. The Egyptian Cobra venom is a potent neurotoxic type. We quantify dietary niche breadth and test the hypothesis that cape cobras are generalist predators. Diet Snouted cobra’s are known to feed on a wide variety of prey include: small mammals, birds, frogs, lizards (especially monitor lizards) and other snakes including venomous species like Mozambique Spitting Cobra’s and puff adders will be taken. We quantify dietary niche breadth and test the hypothesis that cape cobras are generalist predators. The study found that other snakes make up 13-43 percent of a cobra’s diet, and the most common species of snake consumed are fellow cobras. The incubation period is 14-21 days long. We quantify dietary niche breadth and test the hypothesis that cape cobras are generalist predators. The diet of a cape cobra may also include other snakes, including other cape cobras and lizards.