Nuclear hand grenades pop up in all sorts of science fiction, from Star Wars to Fallout, but you'll never throw one unless you can send a 50-pound kettlebell 350 yards. Just take a hand grenade, and surround it with nuclear waste or other material.
This chemical (or, in some cases, nuclear) reaction produces a massive amount of heat and gas in a very short period. I have also heard of nuclear demolition charges to take out things like bridges Take pin out, throw, run. Of course, the hand grenade by the side of the pool is no bundle of joy either. As an action, a character can throw a grenade at a point up to 60 feet away. I get that this is terrorism: A 24-year-old convert to Islam has been sentenced to 35 years in prison for plotting to set off hand grenades in a crowded shopping mall during the Christmas season. It was designed for use in Europe against Soviet troop formations. A nuclear hand grenade in the form of a 'dirty bomb' could be pretty effective. But I thought "weapons of mass destruction" was reserved for nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons. This also deals high damage to players nearby. That is about 10 Kg of U235 or P239. Atomic Annie: This nuclear field cannon could fire a nuclear shell up to 20 miles. 1 decade ago. The classic hand grenade design has a safety handle or lever (known in the US forces as a spoon) and a removable safety pin that prevents the handle from being released: the safety lever is spring-loaded, and once the safety pin is removed, the lever will release and ignite the detonator, then fall off. Carrying a nuclear hand grenade in your pocket is one thing, towing a small artillery piece, rocket launcher or drone catapult with the drone is a bit more obvious, and of course anyone who is keen on preventing you from deploying your nuke would only have to incapacitate the launching system, reducing you to a nuclear suicide bomber (not really much of an improvement, really).
A nuclear hand grenade in the form of a 'dirty bomb' could be pretty effective. Answer Save. With a grenade launcher, the character can propel the grenade up to 120 feet away.. Each creature within 20 feet of an exploding fragmentation grenade must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw, taking 5d6 piercing damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a succe ssful one. Just take a hand grenade, and surround it with nuclear waste or other material. December 04, 2018 18:53:46 EST (Not a real photo, obviously) Ever since America figured out nuclear bombs, science fiction writers have flirted with all the different ways that nuclear weapons could work. The player throws the Nuclear Grenade from their right hand. Contradicting previous reports, a US Army electronic-warfare colonel has apparently confirmed the existence of working non-nuclear electromagnetic pulse (EMP) ordnance - apparently so portable that it is even available in hand-grenade size.