We examined genetic variation within the rediscovered African crocodile, Crocodylus suchus, across its distribution in West and Central Africa. It was determined that there was indeed two different species of crocodiles known as Crocodylus niloticus and Crocodylus suchus. MSc Thesis submitted to Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda. Therefore, the present study aimed at quantifying impact of road construction on C. suchus distribution. - but at a global level C. porosus is not considered to be at high risk of extinction. It was conducted from February 2016 to May 2018, in the urban Park Bangr-weoogo. Tackling wolf management’s thorniest issue: the … Distribution and status of Crocodylus suchus in and around Kidepo Valley National Park. Commonly confused with Nile crocodile, the West African crocodile is named by the French naturalist, Étienne Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire. A conservation problem The Nile crocodile today is classified on the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List as a species of "Least Concern."
This study updated the knowledge on distribution, occupied habitats, population size, and factors that threaten C. suchus … Bogezi, C., C. Gowan, J. Marzluff, A. Wirsing (2014). Thus, some species such as C. porosus may be secure in some countries (eg Australia, Papua New Guinea and Indonesia) but greatly reduced and/or threatened in others (eg Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore, etc.) In contrast to other anthropogenic activities, little is known about impact of road construction on reptile’s distribution in urban areas. Mummified West African Crocodiles have been exhumed in Egypt, referring to the Crocodile God “Sobek” of […] The cryptic Crocodylus suchus is a unique entity worthy of a conservation strategy separate from the Nile crocodile populations of eastern and southern Africa." The West African crocodile (Crocodylus suchus) is an emblematic species from the Sahara-Sahel with scarce knowledge on distribution and conservation status.This study updated the knowledge on distribution, occupied habitats, population size, and factors that threaten C. suchus and its habitats in Mauritania. The West African crocodile (Crocodylus suchus) is an emblematic species from the Sahara-Sahel with scarce knowledge on distribution and conservation status. This species is distributed across Central and West Africa, spanning known regions of complex biogeographic history like the Dahomey Gap and Cameroonian Highlands, for example ( Born et al., 2011 ; Salzmann & Hoelzmann, 2005 ). (2011) found that although both species have adjacent ranges in … While Crocodylus niloticus is one of the most well known crocodilians globally, very little is known about C. suchus. The Red List categories apply to species at a global level. Worldwide distribution of Crocodylus: Taxonomy Extant species. Genus: Crocodylus. Species*: Crocodylus niloticus - Nile Crocodile (eastern Africa, Nile valley, southern Africa) Species*: Crocodylus suchus - Nile Crocodile (west and central Africa) *Note that Hekkala et al.
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