A species threatened by the zoosporic fungus, Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd). Ecology. The atelopus frog is known by many names such as the clown frog or the Costa Rican Variable Harlequin Toad. Atelopus varius. They actively search for their prey (Toft 1981).
The (temporary) opening in the canopy caused by landslides seems to be welcomed by these frogs and … Description. Atelopus Varius / Silver 3 0LP / 99W 105L Win Ratio 49% / Veigar - 140W 126L Win Ratio 53%, Vladimir - 5W 16L Win Ratio 24%, Annie - 4W 3L Win Ratio 57%, Xerath - 1W 6L Win Ratio 14%, Ahri - 1W 2L Win Ratio 33% . The species is listed as critically endangered and is thought to be living primarily in Panama today. Population Costa Rica Atelopus varius. Physical Description. Population near Quepos - Costa Rica (Rediscovered 2005). It has been found at elevations ranging from 16 to 2000 meters, in life zones Holdridge (1967) characterizes as Tropical Lowland, Premontane, and Lower Montane. Atelopus varius (Lichtenstein and Martens, 1856) Type locality: "the Pacific portion of the Provincia Veraguas, western Panamá". Despite its common name, the Panamanian golden frog is a true toad, a member of the family Bufonidae.It was first described as a subspecies of Atelopus varius, but is now classified as a separate species.. Atelopus varius (Anura: Bufonidae) in Costa Rica Neotropical harlequin toads of the genus Atelopus are among the most threatened anurans on the planet. At night, they sleep on rocks or vegetation (Crump 1986). This golden beauty makes its home on the slopes of Central Cordilleran rainforests of west-central Panama. Dorsal color is usually black or brown overlaid with a mosaic of spots and streaks that can be almost any combination of orange, red, yellow, blue, or green. Other Names for Atelopus. Atelopus varius is a small (2.4-- 3.8 cm; 1-- 1.5 in) slim-bodied, pointy-snouted toad of highly variable coloration. This species is often encountered on rocks in or along the margins of streams (Crump 1986). Population Costa Rica. Species: Atelopus zeteki Atelopus zeteki, known as the Panamanian Golden Frog, is unique to the tropical forests of the Central American country Panama. Atelopus varius varius, Atelopus varius ambulatorius, Atelopus varius maculatus, Atelopus bibronii, Atelopus loomisi, Atelopus varius loomisi Lifespan, ageing, and relevant traits Maximum longevity 10 years (captivity) Source ref. ©Brian Gratwicke-2014/via wikipedia - CC BY-SA 3.0 This species of frog is a brilliant orange-yellow color splotches. Although the physical impact of a landslide is an obvious risk to Atelopus varius, the Fila Chonta site is very land slide prone due to the extremely steep terrain alongside the riparian habitat. A. varius is found from western Panama to the Canal Zone, through Central Talamanca and Chiriqui, and on both the Atlantic and Pacific slopes of the Cordilleras de Tilaran in Costa Rica (Savage 1972). Language. Atelopus Varius Zeteki Distribution and Habitat Geographic Range. Physical Characteristics. Click on an image to view larger version & data in a new window . Vernacular Names: Harlequin Frogs Title Illustrations.
Whatever you call the frog, it is a neo-tropical toad that was once quite wide spread living throughout Costa Rica and Panama.
Atelopus experience rapid widespread population declines upon Bd site invasion, demonstrating high susceptibility. Language. Surveys have repeatedly shown clusters of Atelopus congregating in re-vegetated landslide area. Atelopus varius is an ant specialist, but feeds in small amounts on other arthropods (Toft 1981). The Panamanian golden frog is a national symbol and is considered to be one of the most beautiful frogs in Panama. Only two individuals were found during two … Here, we refer to Atelopus as a candidate acute supershedder to better describe the phenomena of high susceptibility and pathogen shedding. Geographic Range Costa Rica and Panama. Atelopus varius. An example of another organism belonging to the genus Atelopus would be Atelopus varius, also known as the Veragoa Stubfoot Toad. Adult: Atelopus varius (variable harlequin frog); adult. Atelopus varius; Atelopus vogli; Atelopus walkeri; Atelopus zeteki; Containing group: Bufonidae. Atelopus varius, one of the most threatened amphibians in the world, found in Costa Rica in April 2018.