But keep in mind they do have some federally protected species here like the Eastern Massasauga rattlesnake.
Trapping and killing Since a gun is not always available this method can come in handy and is simple to follow as well. Residents of Alabama, Nevada, Wisconsin, West Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina and Ohio can legally own a pet if it is not banned in their state. A property owner or tenant is allowed to take one squirrel, rabbit, raccoon, opossum, beaver, or skunk per incident that is causing damage to said individual’s property without a permit. It's not like they would kill you, and if they tried there's a 95% chance you could just slap it off, because they're so small. Does that mean if I get a breed of fox that is native to Alabama it is legal to own as a pet?
It has a long, black, bushy tail with a white tip. Q: Can I have a fox as a pet in the state of Alabama? Alabama game and fish regulation 220-2-.27 allows for permits to take protected wildlife causing crop damage, property damage, or concern for human safety. The following are prohibited methods of hunting as condensed from Alabama law and regulation. All you need to do is trap the fox using a spring trap or cage trap. However, people who own unusual pets must be sure they meet the federal government's standards on pet ownership. Animals Banned Under Certain Conditions These are as follows: The black pine snake; The eastern coachwhip snake; The eastern indigo snake; The Florida pine snake; The gulf salt marsh snake; The southern hognose snake; The eastern indigo snake is particularly endange Only if it's legal. The majority of red foxes are reddish however, different color phases do occur. Foxes are not endangered, shouldn't have too much problem. During dates and in areas open by regulation to gun deer season, including youth deer season and muzzleloader deer season, all persons hunting any wildlife species, except foxes, raccoons, and opossums during legal nighttime hours or turkey or migratory birds (including crows), are required to wear an outer garment above the waist with a minimum of 144 square inches of hunter orange or …
In the case of venomous reptiles, it is also illegal to release these animals into the wild. How do I find out if it's okay to shoot a fox? A property owner or tenant is allowed to take one squirrel, rabbit, raccoon, opossum, beaver or skunk per incident that is causing damage to their property without a permit. To put it simply: no, all species of fox are not legal in Alabama.
Cites are provided below. Shooting of foxes is legal but the use of firearms is restricted near highways and inhabited areas. Alabama game and fish regulation 220-2-.27 allows for permits to take protected wildlife causing crop damage, property damage, or concern for human safety. Heck, I wouldn't mind cooking it up to see if it tastes any good.lol. Alabama. All commercial fur-catchers are required to submit a Fur Catch Report form within 45 days of the end of the trapping season. It's legal to kill snakes, but you must have a hunting license. The legal limit of an air rifle is 12ft/lbs which you can use to kill a fox, however you would have to be pretty close to it. However, it’s illegal to take, capture, kill, sell, or trade several snake species. Alabama joins six other states in allowing all other pets not explicitly banned in the state's laws.
Somebody told me it's legal to keep DEER in Alabama, because they're uncle owned a deer farm. According to the website of the Masters of Foxhounds Association of America, there are nearly 160 organized foxhunting clubs in the U.S. and Canada. Check with your local DNR. I want him to shoot it, but he says it might be illegal to do this. To take, capture or kill fur-bearing animals for commercial purposes, a fur-catcher's license is required. Care should; however, be taken that a wrong animal is not victimized. They may want to set traps themselves or at least have you bring them the carcass. The majority of snakes in Alabama are unprotected by state or federal law.
The backs of their ears, lower legs and feet are also black. If they are, I don't understand why. Some animals are banned in certain circumstances, but not others. It's illegal for anyone in Alabama to sell, list for sale, import or own any of the animals on this list. My daughter wants to keep its fur, which I'm fine with.
I have read about having an exotic pet in the state of Alabama but what I'm confused about is that it specified breeds from outside of the state lines. There is very good information how to trap fox using a live trap. If you are not being paid to trap and are not selling the fur or carcass, no license is required. The red fox is generally a reddish color with a white underbelly, chin and throat.