If anyone would like to help just post which list you are working on then post your extension to the list. This is a game-changer as a support Pokemon because it allows it to do things that were once risky.
Smogon's Create-A-Pokemon forum is now running its creation process for its 27th project! Hope you guys enjoy the live! Note: Smogon CAP is a project to make up Pokémon. One thing I would encourage others to try is playing against a Spikes-stacking CAP 27 without having one of your own on your team. 0:03 . Showdown live! Back on the CAP grind. This Pokemon's Normal-type moves become Fairy type and have 1.2x power. It's a Dragon themed party, trainers! Check out the team as well! Take a moment to read the Introduction to Smogon for a run-down on everything Smogon. It ended up becoming the best CAP submission of mine to date - not only was it the first to make it past the first round of voting, but it ended up in fourth place overall. What's new New ... CAP 27 - Part 12 - Pokedex Poll 1 …
Figured it was time to give cap a try one more time. Equilibra, Cap 26's Final Product, a competitive doom desire Pokemon! 1) German for the Pokemon Koffing. Home What's new. Anyways, the intent this time is for "A Pokemon that is able to fit the role of team support through more offensive and/or utility based means, whether these are through moves, abilities, typings or other factors unique to CAP27." The latter was the deciding factor towards scrapping my previous design and coming up with this one, which was modified extensively thanks to feedback with the Smogon CAP Discord chat. This is the second idea I considered for Smogon's 27th Create-A-Pokemon project, and the one I ultimately went with, though this design isn't the one I'll be subbing. from CaP's "Overall Useage" and Smogon's "Unrated Usage" it is possible to extract usage stats to help us with the tiers.
Why would CAP 27 switch in more often: If CAP 27 ends up getting a few status moves or perhaps a move that allows it to act as a phaser it can easily come in and stop or cripple a setup sweeper, boosted or unboosted depending on the mon. This Pokemon restores 1/3 of its maximum HP, rounded down, when it switches out. I'm definitely keeping Fire/Dragon for the typing, but at the suggestion of someone on the CAP Discord I'm probably going to have the ability be Levitate (that or Magic Bounce, but a Ground immunity is nice, too).
Today. :] Using a team with Choice … - "/vp/ - Pokémon" is 4chan's imageboard dedicated to discussing the Pokémon series of video games and shows.
Using a team with Choice Scarf Kitsunoh!