The breeding season of V. zerda begins in mid winter (January to February), and pups are born after a gestation period of 50 to 53 days. cooperative breeder. While the female is pregnant, the male becomes very protective of her.
Pairs will control a territory, and their family can consist of this year’s kits, as well as the previous year. The time of mating is during January and February, and birth is given during late winter to early spring. energy supply) ( Smith et al. 50 days is the average gestation. Reproduction. Fennec Fox Reproduction The breeding season of the Fennec Fox occurs January through to March and births occur only once a year.
1985 ).
The first litter is usually lost, but a second litter may be … They will only mate with each other and not with other fox out there. What is very interesting is that once a pair have mated they will continue to do so every year afterwards until one of them die.
Fennecs have a slow reproductive rate, and vixens give birth only once yearly.
After a gestation period of 52 days, a litter of 2 – 5 young are born.
Gestation lasts 52 days, and they give birth in May-June ( Smith et al.
The young weigh around 50 grams and have grey skin at birth. Reproduction - The Fennec and Arctic Fox. Even though the fox doesn’t live in a pack, they will find each other when it is time for mating.
1985 ).
Reproduction of the Fennec Fox These mammals are monogamous, which means that they mate for life. Timing of estrous depends on latitude, weather and physical condition (i.e.
Mating: Arctic foxes are monogamous and mating occurs in March-April.
The fennec fox is the smallest of all the world's foxes, but its large ears, measuring 6 inches, appear to be on loan from a bigger relative. Fennec foxes mate for life.Fennecs may stay together for a couple years and the gestation period is 50 days. Actic foxes are monestrous and estrous lasts 3-5 days. monogamous.