Because of the recent popularity of this species, they liken this spider to Mexican red knees. They are certainly easy to care for and quite hardy. The males tend to have black legs, a copper-colored cephalothorax and a reddish abdomen. As a widespread and relatively common tarantula it has adapted to a wide range of different conditions over the years.
Aphonopelma Seemanni Care The care of a Costa Rican Zebra Tarantula is straightforward and systematic. Besides watching out for temperature and humidity, the Aphonopelma seemanni is a rather easy spider to care for and requires simple housing arrangements.
Temp/humidity: 70 ° -85 ° degrees/65%-80% humidity I keep this species temperature at 80 ° degrees and the humidity at 70%. Appearance: Aphonopelma chalcodes tarantulas are known for their “blonde” hairs. The Aphonopelma seemanni, or Costa Rican Zebra, or Stripe Knee Tarantula, is a terrestrial New World species found in Costa Rica and Central America.
The female is usually a uniform tan color.
Recommended Enclosure Size: The Aphonopelma seemanni is an obligate burrowing terrestrial, the ideal setup size should provide enough surface area to accommodate at least 4x the spider’s diagonal leg span in any direction, and should be deep enough to accommodate enough substrate to create a good system of burrows. Average annual temperatures range from 31.7°C (89°F) on the coast to 16.7°C (62°F) inland. Considering that these tarantulas can grow to 5-6 inches, plenty of room for movement and burrowing is a necessity. Aphonopelma seemanni is a reasonably easy tarantula to accommodate in captivity. First off, provide your tarantula with a spacious cage. When you think about Costa Rica, you may assume it to be a humid and tropical environment, but there are varying environments in this area.
Difficulty of care The Aphonopelma Seemanni Striped-knee tarantula is an intermediate level species. This means that minor variations in captive care are unlikely to cause too many problems. A rainy season lasts from April or May to December.
While they both share similarities, the …