BIRD'S BEAK 'BIRD'S BEAK' is a 9 letter phrase starting with B and ending with K Crossword clues for 'BIRD'S BEAK' Clue Answer; Bird's beak (4) BILL: Statement of money owed (4) Beak, account (4) One in a wallet (4) "Total due" document (4) Bird's beak (3) NEB: Lincoln's st. (3) Bird's bill or beak (3) First st. admitted to the Union after the Civil War (3) Home to Bellevue U. Related Questions. Previous Article What primarily takes place inside this iconic building in Sydney Australia? Top Answer. Find more similar words at! What is another name for a birds beak? Next Article What is tattooed on Popeye’s arm? What is another name for the beak of a bird? Synonyms for bird at with free online thesaurus, antonyms, and definitions. Synonyms for beak at with free online thesaurus, antonyms, and definitions. Find another word for beak. Another word for a bird's beak is? Bird's beak is a crossword puzzle clue. But what exactly is a beak? Beak: the jaws of a bird together with their hornlike covering. Previous Level Quizzland All Questions Answers Next Level.
21 synonyms of beak from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 15 related words, definitions, and antonyms. Find descriptive alternatives for bird. There are related clues (shown below).
2008-03-29 16:43:48 2008-03-29 16:43:48 . Synonyms for beak include neb, bill, nib, mandible, conk, honker, nose, nozzle, proboscis and schnoz. Clue: Bird's beak. In the case of ducks - bill. Wiki User. Find another word for beak. In biological terms, it is a type of mouth in which the jaws are covered by a horny layer of keratin (like the nails or horn of a rhinoceros) and have no teeth at all.It is characteristic of birds however other animals also have beaks. Bill. Bird's beak is a crossword puzzle clue that we have spotted over 20 times. Find descriptive alternatives for beak. Search for: Latest Posts.
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